SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1622, 1982, 1987, 2005, 2026, 2040, 2047, 2071, 2118, 2153, 2272, 2306, 2362, 2395, 2536, 2555, 3024, 3105, 3650, 3672, 3694, 3719, 3763, 3766, 3767, 3770, 3771, 3773, 3779, 3780, 3783, 3792, 3793, 3795, 3796, 3819, 3820, 3850, 3920, 3924, 3932, 3940, 3953, 3958, 3976, 3978, 3979, 3981, 3982, 3985, 3988, 3991, 3994, 3999, 4001, 4002, 4009, 4015, 4016, 4018, 4019, 4025, 4027, 4029, 4030, 4033, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4040, 4043, 4044, 4047, 4051, 4054, 4056, 4058, 4063, 4065, 4083, 4085, 4088, 4089, 4115, 4118, 4123, 4124, 4126, 4127, 4135, 4139, 4143, 4156, 4163, 4176, 4178, 4190, 4195, 4199, 4203, 4207, 4208, 4211, 4214, 4231, 4233, 4238, 4257, 4261, 4262, 4272, 4274, 4284, 4294, 4297, 4304, 4318, 4343, 4344, 4446, 4551, 4557, 4561, 4575, 4577, 4580, 4588, 4605, 4609, 4615, 4617, 4628, 4634, 4635, 4652, 4659, 4686, 4741, 4787, 4808, 4814, 4823, 4841, 4842, 4855, 4858, 4860, 4863, 4865, 4867, 4874, 4886, 4898, 4907, 4916, 4939, 4942, 4956, 4957, 4964, 4977, 4995, 5177, 5185, 5238, 5264, 5282, 5285, 5324, 5346, 5370, 5536, 5589, 5603, 33604, 46104, 46110, 46116, 46122, 46128, 46134, 46138, 46144, 46149, 46155, 46161, 46167, 46172, 46177, 46182, 46183, 46184, 46194, 46196, 46206, 46208, 46209, 46211, 46213, 46214, 46217, 46218, 46219, 46221, 46228, 46229, 46230, 46231, 46232, 46233, 46234, 46235, 46236, 46238, 46239, 46240, 46241, 46244, 46248, 46249, 46250, 46254, 46256, 46258, 46260, 46269, 46290, 46295, 46296, 46305, 46313, 46316, 46318, 46325, 46330, 46331, 46333, 46336, 46338, 46340, 46344, 46351, 46352, 46363, 46370, 46373, 46377, 46381, 46383, 46387, 46394, 46399, 46411, 46422, 46423, 46426, 46435, 46436, 46443, 46448, 46462, 46463, 46464, 46469, 46471, 46483, 46489, 46492, 46500, 46506, 46511, 46519, 46524, 46533, 46543, 46549, 46550, 46551, 46552, 46557, 46560, 46561, 46564, 46566, 46574, 46580, 46589, 46590, 46598, 46602, 46603, 46612, 46614, 46618, 46622, 46632, 46639, 46644, 46660, 46668, 46677, 46683, 46685, 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Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Hamlet Actor: Powell
Role: Queen Actor: Mrs Powell
Role: Ophelia Actor: Mrs Spiller.


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queen's

Role: Alexander Actor: Powell
Role: Sysigambis Actor: Mrs Powell
Role: Statira Actor: Mrs Spiller
Role: Roxana Actor: Mrs Kent.

Dance: The diverting Italian Night Scene- between a Scaramouch, a Harlequin, a Cooper, his Wife, and others, as it was performed at dl with general Applause


Mainpiece Title: Epsom Wells

Role: Reynes Actor: Powell
Role: Mrs Fribble Actor: Mrs Baker
Role: Mrs Bisket Actor: Mrs Powell
Role: Mrs Woodly Actor: Mrs Kent
Role: Lucia Actor: Mrs Spiller
Role: Carolina Actor: Mrs Shepherd.

Dance: As17100708


Mainpiece Title: The Fond Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Powell.
Role: Rashly Actor: Powell
Role: Emelia Actor: Mrs Baker
Role: Maria Actor: Mrs Spillar
Role: Cordelia Actor: Mrs Sapsford
Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Pollet.

Entertainment: 1st: turns upon one Foot 300 times-A Young Gentlewoman, who never appear'd on a publick Stage, and as she is turning fixes 12 Swords points about her, 2 to her Eyes, 2 to her Eye-lashes, 2 to her Eye-brows, 2 to her Nose, 2 to her Lips, and 2 to her Breasts

Dance: French Peasant-; Scaramouch-; Wooden Shoe-; Dance by Harlequin Scaramouch Cooper and his Wife-; Ladder Dance-


Mainpiece Title: The Rover

Role: Rover Actor: Powell
Role: Angelica Actor: Mrs Kent
Role: Helena Actor: Mrs Baker
Role: Florinda Actor: Mrs Shepard
Role: Moretta Actor: Mrs Powell

Entertainment: Young Gentlewoman, as17100817; Likewise a Vaulting the Managed Horse-famous Master who never appear'd on the Publick Stage

Dance: Ladder Dance-; French Peasant-; Wooden Shoe-; Harlequin Scaramouch Cooper and Wife-



Dance: Too many to be inserted in the bills


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Foppington Actor: Mrs Baxter
Role: Prologue Actor: Powell.
Role: Young Fashion Actor: Mrs Kent
Role: Amanda Actor: Mrs Baker
Role: Berinthia Actor: Mrs Sapsford
Role: Hoyden Actor: Mrs Shepard
Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Committee; Or, The Faithful Irishman

Role: Mrs Day Actor: Mrs Powell
Role: Ruth Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Arbella Actor: Mrs Porter.


Mainpiece Title: The Northern Lass; Or, The Nest Of Fools


Mainpiece Title: Sir Courtly Nice; Or, It Cannot Be

Role: Leonora Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Aunt Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: Sir Martin Marall

Role: Warner Actor: Powell
Role: Mrs Millisent Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Rose Actor: Mrs Saunders.

Afterpiece Title: The School Boy

Role: Lady Manlove Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: Amphitryon; Or, The Two Sosias

Role: Alcmena Actor: Mrs Knight
Role: Phedra Actor: Mrs Bicknell
Role: Bromia Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow; Or, The Wanton Wife

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield
Role: Lady Laycock Actor: Mrs Powell
Role: Lady Pride Actor: Mrs Willis
Role: Philadelphia Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Prudence Actor: Mrs Saunders
Role: Damaris Actor: Mrs Bicknell.


Mainpiece Title: The Silent Woman

Role: Silent Woman Actor: Mrs Oldfield
Role: Dol Actor: Mrs Bicknell
Role: Mrs Otter Actor: Mrs Powell.
Role: Mrs Epicoene Actor: Mrs Knight
Role: Lady Haughty Actor: Mrs Saunders


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield
Role: Lady Laycock Actor: Mrs Powell
Role: Lady Pride Actor: Mrs Willis
Role: Philadelphia Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Prudence Actor: Mrs Saunders
Role: Damaris Actor: Mrs Bicknell.


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband

Role: Aunt Actor: Mrs Powell.
Role: Mrs Clerimont Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Biddy Actor: Mrs Oldfield.

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach


Mainpiece Title: The Fortune Hunters; Or, Two Fools Well Met

Role: Maria Actor: Mrs Oldfield
Role: Lady Sly Actor: Mrs Powell
Role: Sophia Actor: Mrs Cox
Role: Mrs Spruce Actor: Mrs Bicknell.


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Isabella Actor: Mrs Rogers
Role: Teresa Actor: Mrs Oldfield
Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Knight
Role: Ruth Actor: Mrs Powell.

Dance: Mrs Bicknell


Mainpiece Title: The Governor Of Barcelona; Or, The Spanish Wives

Role: Tiltup Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Elenora Actor: Mrs Knight
Role: Orada Actor: Mrs Powell.

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach


Mainpiece Title: The Successful Strangers

Role: Dorothea Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Feliciana Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Farmosa Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: The Volunteers; Or, The Stock Jobbers

Role: Teresia Actor: Mrs Saunders
Role: Eugenia Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Clara Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Mrs Hackwell Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: The Volunteers

Role: Teresia Actor: Mrs Saunders
Role: Eugenia Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Clara Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Mrs Hackwell Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: The Lancashire Witches


Mainpiece Title: The Lancashire Witches


Mainpiece Title: The Volunteers

Role: Teresia Actor: Mrs Saunders
Role: Eugenia Actor: Mrs Bradshaw
Role: Clara Actor: Mrs Porter
Role: Mrs Hackwell Actor: Mrs Powell.