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Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona


Mainpiece Title: 'tis Well It's No Worse

Afterpiece Title: The Recruiting Serjeant


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Audrey Actor: Mrs Bradshaw.
Role: Phoebe Actor: Mrs Davies.
Role: Caelia Actor: Mrs Baddeley
Role: Rosalind Actor: Mrs Barry.

Afterpiece Title: The Ephesian Matron; or, The Widow's Tears

Role: Parts Actor: Bannister, Davis, Mrs Dorman, Mrs Wrighten. Centurian
Role: ] Actor: Bannister
Role: ] Actor: Mrs Dorman
Role: ] Actor: Mrs Wrighten

Song: I: The Sycamore Shade-Mrs Wrighten; IV: The Soldier Tir'd-Mrs Wrighten

Dance: End: A Minuet, Louvre-Noverre, Miss Rogers, his scholar


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: New Musical Imitations-Bannister; Concerto on Organ-Hook; Singing-Mrs Thompson, a young Lady who never sung in Public before


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Musical Imitations-Bannister; Singing-Miss Harper, Miss Thomas


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Singing-Miss Harper, Miss Thomas


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Singing-Miss Harper, Mrs Thomas


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Singing-Miss Harper, Mrs Thomas


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Singing-Miss Harper, Mrs Thomas


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Singing-Miss Harper, Mrs Thomas


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Singing-Miss Harper, Miss Thomas


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Miss Harper, Miss Esser who will accompany her songs on the Violin; Concerto on the Organ-Hook; Solo on Violin-Reeves


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Reinhold, Miss Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Reinhold, Mrs Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Reinhold, Miss Thomas, Miss Esser


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Reinhold, Miss Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Reinhold, Miss Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Reinhold, Miss Harper, Miss Esser; Concerto on Organ-Hook; Concerto on Violin-Reeves


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Reinhold, Miss Harper


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Entertainment: Singing-Miss Thomas, Miss Harper, Miss Esser, who will accompany her songs on a Violin; For that night only Singing by Mrs Baddeley; Musical Imitations, a favourite Song O What a Charming Thing's a Battle-Bannister; By Particular desire With Horns and With Hounds-Mrs Thompson


Mainpiece Title: The Magnet

Song: Miss Harper, Miss Esser


Mainpiece Title: La Serva Padrona

Song: Miss Thomas, Miss Harper