SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1995, 2007, 2029, 2132, 2164, 2178, 2194, 2228, 2243, 2251, 2318, 4010, 4026, 4036, 4039, 4040, 4042, 4044, 4046, 4047, 4048, 4049, 4050, 4052, 4054, 4064, 4078, 4112, 4123, 4166, 4173, 4210, 4216, 4240, 4241, 4257, 4259, 4262, 4275, 4276, 4290, 4318, 4356, 4362, 4432, 4438, 4503, 4545, 4549, 4551, 4568, 4570, 4571, 4573, 4575, 4577, 4578, 4580, 4581, 4583, 4585, 4586, 4592, 4596, 4603, 4612, 4614, 4615, 4617, 4632, 4633, 4637, 4639, 4657, 4664, 4667, 4697, 4718, 4742, 4820, 4838, 4839, 4844, 4915, 4981, 5191, 6010, 6028, 6033, 6038, 6049, 6071, 6074, 6091, 6093, 6094, 6109, 6115, 6117, 6125, 6179, 6233, 6235, 6243, 6404, 6411, 6434, 6485, 6488, 6497, 6501, 6506, 6508, 6510, 6519, 6526, 6545, 6689, 6697, 6759, 6799, 6803, 6855, 6867, 6885, 6892, 6894, 6900, 6901, 6906, 6909, 6919, 6928, 6929, 6937, 6957, 6992, 7000, 7002, 7003, 7005, 7030, 7031, 7034, 7037, 7043, 7044, 7045, 7046, 7048, 7052, 7058, 7072, 7078, 7084, 7094, 7096, 7098, 7100, 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Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar

Afterpiece Title: Pan and Syrinx

Role: 1st Nymph Actor: Mrs Thurmond

Song: As17171226


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Triumph

Role: Paulina Actor: Mrs Thurmond


Mainpiece Title: The Emperor Of The Moon

Afterpiece Title: Amadis

Role: Furies Actor: _Thurmond Jr


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Role: Duke Actor: Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Dance: As17180114


Mainpiece Title: The Coquet

Role: Julia Actor: Mrs Thurmond


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband

Role: Pounce Actor: Thurmond

Song: Rainton, Mrs Willis

Dance: As17180318


Mainpiece Title: Cimbeline

Role: Eugenia Actor: Mrs Thurmond.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Executed

Dance: As17171022


Mainpiece Title: The Comical History Of Don Quixote, Part Ii

Song: Purcell's Mad Dialogue-Leveridge, Mrs Thurmond

Dance: Dutch Skipper-Thurmond Jr, Mrs Bullock; Thurmond's last new Mad Dance-Thurmond, others; Comic Dance-Thurmond, Miss Smith


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Example

Role: Florinda Actor: Mrs Thurmond

Dance: As17171022; Thurmond's new Comic Dance-Thurmond, Miss Smith


Mainpiece Title: The Humorous Lieutenant

Role: King Actor: Thurmond

Song: As17180414

Dance: As17180318


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: Pan and Syrinx

Role: 1st Nymph Actor: Mrs Thurmond

Dance: As17171022


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth

Role: King Actor: Thurmond

Music: Concerto upon the Little Flute by Paisible-; Concerto intirely new, by Mr Hendel-

Dance: Weaver, Shaw, Wade, Topham, Mrs Bicknell, Miss Younger, Miss Tenoe


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Role: Pylades Actor: Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Dance: Serious and Comic Dancing-


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Ballance Actor: Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Dance: Shaw, Topham, Mrs Younger, Miss Lindar


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Vail

Role: Don Philip Actor: Thurmond
Role: Prologue Actor: Thurmond


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Role: Blunt Actor: Thurmond


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Role: Blunt Actor: Thurmond


Mainpiece Title: Titus Andronicus; Or, The Rape Of Lavinia

Role: Saturnius Actor: Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Role: Blunt Actor: Thurmond

Dance: A new Comic Dance-Topham, Topham's Brother, Mrs Willis, Miss Tenoe


Mainpiece Title: Don John; Or, The Libertine Destroy'd

Role: Antonio Actor: Thurmond

Song: As17180206

Dance: The last new dance-Topham, Topham's Brother, Mrs Willis, Miss Tenoe


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Kent Actor: Thurmond


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth; With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff

Role: King Actor: Thurmond


Mainpiece Title: Sir Courtly Nice

Role: Surly Actor: Thurmond

Dance: The Entertainments of Dancing that were perform'd Yesterday before His Majesty at Hampton-Court-Shaw, Wade, Topham, Mrs Santlow, Mrs Bicknell


Mainpiece Title: Volpone

Role: Bonario Actor: Thurmond