SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1136, 1777, 1779, 1780, 1786, 1794, 1814, 1825, 4616, 15815, 15821, 15824, 15827, 15871, 15876, 15880, 15884, 15891, 15910, 15953, 16008, 16016, 16070, 16091, 16097, 16135, 16147, 16327, 16368, 16387, 16497, 16530, 16550, 16703, 16707, 16710, 16714, 16718, 16722, 16727, 16731, 16734, 16741, 16745, 16749, 16754, 16758, 16793, 16797, 16813, 16816, 16820, 16824, 16838, 16842, 16846, 16851, 16867, 16907, 16911, 16939, 16942, 16946, 16950, 16953, 16957, 16961, 16966, 16970, 16974, 16978, 16982, 16986, 16990, 16994, 16998, 17003, 17007, 17012, 17016, 17020, 17025, 17031, 17035, 17039, 17045, 17056, 17061, 17099, 17124, 17253, 17269, 17273, 17393, 17413, 17446, 17449, 17456, 17485, 17488, 17492, 17494, 17497, 17506, 17510, 17512, 17515, 17518, 17526, 17530, 17532, 17535, 17537, 17538, 17540, 17541, 17546, 17552, 17555, 17561, 17565, 17568, 17571, 17575, 17578, 17582, 17587, 17595, 17597, 17601, 17609, 17612, 17617, 17622, 17626, 17635, 17637, 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Mainpiece Title: The Old Maid

Afterpiece Title: Every One has His Fault

Role: Gothrun Actor: Richardson
Role: Tanner Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Merlin Actor: Richardson

Dance: Conclude 3rd piece: Dance-

Song: End: Black@Ey'd Susan-Incledon; End 2nd piece: The Group of Lovers-Munden


Mainpiece Title: Such Things Are

Role: Lord Flint Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Gothrun Actor: Richardson
Role: Tanner Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Rosina

Dance: End 2nd piece: Highland Festivity, as17951125

Song: In 2nd piece: songs as in 3rd piece, 12 Apr. We've bade the restless seas adieu-; O why to be happy, as17960314+With Rosabel what joy to stray-Townsend; Here we laugh and work together-; With pride we steer'd for England's coast-Incledon; When love was a stranger-Mrs Mountain; The seaman who of wars may tell-Incledon, Bowden; Rule Britannia-


Mainpiece Title: The Point At Herqui

Afterpiece Title: The Dramatist

Dance: In: a new incidental Dance, as17960415

Song: In: songs as17960503; End 2nd piece: The Sea Storm-Incledon; In 3rd piece: songs The Sea Storm, as17960516; I am a jolly gay Pedlar, as17960516; Come every jovial Fellow, as17960516; O ever in my bosom live, as17960516


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Un-married

Role: The Censor Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: The School for Arrogance

Role: Dorimont Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Dr Last's Examination before the College of Physicians

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Dance: In 4th piece: Dance, as17951026, but Holland; in which dance Bells-Lawrence that inimitable Performer, will introduce accompaniments on his Bells

Song: In: Admiral Benbow-Incledon; In 3rd piece: All on Hobbies-Williamson; In 4th piece: Rule Britannia-Townsend

Entertainment: 3rd piece: a variety of Imitations-Rees


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 0

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 1

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 2

Entertainment: MonologueEnd: The Barber's Petition, as17960506; with Wigs, as17960506