SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1136, 1402, 1479, 1494, 1522, 1523, 1539, 1711, 1713, 1737, 1746, 1747, 1765, 1769, 1779, 1780, 1794, 1820, 1825, 11193, 11229, 11257, 11260, 11262, 11289, 11317, 11356, 11360, 11399, 11407, 11446, 11463, 11466, 11496, 11501, 11508, 11651, 11708, 11721, 11735, 11772, 11801, 11808, 11810, 11812, 11823, 11904, 11909, 11936, 11938, 11941, 11994, 12076, 12096, 12110, 12169, 12188, 12201, 12221, 12244, 12323, 12333, 12339, 12568, 12580, 12596, 12621, 12642, 12663, 12666, 12699, 12735, 12744, 12774, 12778, 12781, 12783, 12807, 12811, 12813, 12842, 12860, 12874, 12885, 12891, 12936, 12938, 13006, 13010, 13074, 13204, 13275, 13313, 13349, 13580, 13616, 13619, 13624, 13631, 13743, 13758, 13909, 14008, 14112, 14119, 14140, 14156, 14172, 14184, 14199, 14252, 14274, 14283, 14284, 14285, 14289, 14290, 14293, 14294, 14297, 14300, 14301, 14302, 14303, 14313, 14316, 14319, 14325, 14341, 14345, 14361, 14364, 14373, 14380, 14384, 14391, 14392, 14395, 14416, 14426, 14432, 14436, 14456, 14463, 14506, 14528, 14535, 14538, 14541, 14544, 14553, 14556, 14642, 14681, 14696, 14699, 14703, 14707, 14711, 14712, 14716, 14720, 14724, 14734, 14745, 14750, 14760, 14776, 14859, 14910, 14913, 14917, 14946, 14966, 14977, 15002, 15006, 15008, 15012, 15041, 15046, 15058, 15079, 15088, 15114, 15127, 15131, 15152, 15169, 15184, 15208, 15210, 15213, 15216, 15230, 15291, 15300, 15307, 15313, 15333, 15336, 15339, 15345, 15361, 15371, 15394, 15399, 15413, 15451, 15498, 15517, 15526, 15546, 15563, 15566, 15577, 15584, 15586, 15601, 15604, 15607, 15618, 15649, 15756, 15761, 15766, 15770, 15775, 15777, 15780, 15792, 15800, 15806, 15809, 15812, 15817, 15820, 15836, 15843, 15856, 15859, 15866, 15874, 15883, 15886, 15889, 15894, 15909, 15913, 15918, 15922, 15930, 15937, 15941, 15948, 15952, 15969, 15973, 15979, 15987, 15993, 16001, 16007, 16011, 16019, 16028, 16032, 16036, 16043, 16048, 16057, 16061, 16067, 16073, 16077, 16087, 16104, 16110, 16121, 16128, 16132, 16141, 16150, 16159, 16167, 16175, 16179, 16185, 16189, 16193, 16254, 16276, 16306, 16311, 16327, 16332, 16336, 16369, 16383, 16416, 16425, 16432, 16455, 16464, 16476, 16480, 16551, 16559, 16562, 16568, 16570, 16576, 16581, 16586, 16591, 16608, 16612, 16616, 16623, 16626, 16630, 16632, 16636, 16644, 16647, 16654, 16661, 16678, 16682, 16686, 16690, 16693, 16697, 16701, 16712, 16716, 16720, 16725, 16736, 16772, 16781, 16785, 16788, 16792, 16795, 16799, 16808, 16815, 16818, 16822, 16826, 16829, 16836, 16844, 16853, 16857, 16869, 16877, 16897, 16901, 16905, 16909, 16917, 16921, 16929, 16940, 16968, 16976, 16984, 16988, 16992, 16996, 17001, 17010, 17023, 17029, 17037, 17075, 17087, 17097, 17109, 17180, 17188, 17197, 17202, 17206, 17214, 17223, 17231, 17247, 17255, 17260, 17264, 17271, 17275, 17301, 17308, 17310, 17325, 17336, 17439, 17444, 17451, 17454, 17457, 17460, 17463, 17466, 17468, 17471, 17472, 17475, 17477, 17481, 17490, 17493, 17498, 17501, 17511, 17517, 17519, 17522, 17525, 17528, 17536, 17542, 17545, 17547, 17559, 17563, 17566, 17580, 17586, 17589, 17596, 17599, 17603, 17607, 17615, 17618, 17624, 17639, 17642, 17654, 17738, 17741, 17757, 17764, 17794, 17798, 17800, 17811, 17814, 17824, 17827, 17833, 17841, 17895, 17900, 17904, 17911, 17920, 17939, 17976, 17980, 17986, 17997, 18007, 18010, 18028, 18038, 18042, 18045, 18049, 18065, 18068, 18075, 18079, 18086, 18092, 18100, 18104, 18107, 18110, 18120, 18169, 18173, 18174, 18180, 18183, 18198, 18223, 18227, 18230, 18236, 18238, 18240, 18243, 18255, 18258, 18260, 18268, 18269, 18284, 18296, 18308, 18312, 18337, 18354, 18357, 18360, 18364, 18371, 18374, 18381, 18404, 18423, 18456, 18467, 18479, 18482, 18485, 18492, 18526, 18554, 18557, 18567, 18598, 18641, 18695, 18703, 18720, 18732, 18736, 18751, 18761, 18773, 18790, 18807, 18816, 18819, 18821, 18824, 18826, 18830, 18839, 18858, 18860, 18868, 18874, 18878, 18885, 18903, 18908, 18915, 18920, 18922, 18930, 18934, 18936, 18940, 18944, 18946, 18950, 18956, 18959, 18970, 18989, 18996, 19010, 19027, 19031, 19033, 19037, 19042, 19045, 19052, 19060, 19082, 19089, 19117, 19122, 19138, 19143, 19152, 19154, 19156, 19159, 19162, 19166, 19170, 19174, 19176, 19178, 19180, 19187, 19189, 19193, 19194, 19195, 19224, 19225, 19232, 19234, 19238, 19244, 19247, 19249, 19253, 19268, 19270, 19272, 19274, 19280, 19282, 19286, 19287, 19289, 19301, 19305, 19320, 19334, 19354, 19356, 19360, 19376, 19377, 19386, 19388, 19392, 19394, 19396, 19398, 19400, 19407, 19413, 19417, 19427, 19432, 19434, 19436, 19438, 19440, 19448, 19453, 19457, 19464, 19467, 19469, 19471, 19473, 19475, 19478, 19486, 19499, 19510, 19514, 19518, 19520, 19531, 19534, 19540, 19547, 19553, 19566, 19568, 19572, 19574, 19576, 19579, 19583, 19593, 19603, 19605, 19614, 19617, 19623, 19641, 19642, 19650, 19653, 19656, 19658, 19659, 19663, 19664, 19666, 19667, 19669, 19671, 19673, 19675, 19683, 19685, 19689, 19691, 19693, 19695, 19699, 19703, 19705, 19709, 19711, 19717, 19723, 19729, 19731, 19739, 19745, 19749, 19763, 19770, 19772, 19793, 19795, 19800, 19803, 19805, 19808, 19810, 19813, 19818, 19825, 19832, 19837, 19845, 19852, 19860, 19861, 19865, 19867, 19868, 19871, 19888, 19890, 19892, 19895, 19897, 19899, 19903, 19913, 19918, 19925, 19928, 19930, 19934, 19938, 19941, 19944, 19957, 19960, 19965, 19968, 19974, 19981, 19987, 19993, 19999, 20007, 20015, 20017, 20020, 20022, 20030, 20032, 20038, 20043, 20046, 20048, 20055, 20065, 20074, 20076, 20084, 20090, 20092, 20095, 20099, 20108, 20127, 20128, 20129, 20137, 20141, 20143, 20147, 20151, 20155, 20160, 20181, 20190, 20205, 20217, 20223, 20230, 20267, 20270, 20273, 20279, 20289, 20292, 20298, 20314, 20323, 20332, 20401, 20465, 20500, 20542, 20558, 20567, 20576, 20580, 20593, 20603, 20617, 20637, 20646, 20656, 20659, 20662, 20665, 20671, 20675, 20679, 20681, 20682, 20694, 20695, 20696, 20699, 20709, 20711, 20712, 20714, 20720, 20722, 20745, 20749, 20753, 20774, 20780, 20786, 20789, 20792, 20820, 20845, 20852, 20882, 20898, 20902, 20914, 20921, 20924, 20967, 20970, 21030, 21041, 21059, 21066, 21069, 21076, 21086, 21092, 21096, 21099, 21109, 21112, 21116, 21119, 21126, 21129, 21132, 21136, 21139, 21150, 21165, 21168, 21177, 21184, 21188, 21195, 21198, 21212, 21226, 21234, 21237, 21246, 21266, 21275, 21284, 21290, 21304, 21308, 21318, 21322, 21447, 21453, 21459, 21464, 21469, 21491, 21497, 21502, 21508, 21514, 21519, 21528, 21536, 21542, 21548, 21575, 21607, 21613, 21625, 21628, 21644, 21669, 21676, 21695, 21711, 21735, 21742, 21745, 21757, 23385, 23388, 23398, 23407, 23411, 23414, 23418, 23432, 23435, 23440, 23547, 24294, 24764, 24771, 24775, 24779, 24789, 24796, 24799, 24824, 24827, 24828, 24829, 24830, 24831, 24832, 24833, 24834, 24835, 24836, 24837, 24838, 24839, 24840, 24841, 24842, 24843, 24844, 24845, 24846, 24847, 24848, 24849, 25142, 25153, 25185, 35602, 37435, 40585, 46274, 46342, 46344, 46346, 46348, 46354, 46356, 46358, 46366, 46412, 46414, 46416, 46418, 46420, 46422, 46424, 46426, 46428, 46432, 46435, 46437, 46440, 46442, 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52004, 52008, 52034, 52049, 52084, 52086, 52088, 52091, 52092, 52095, 52103, 52105, 52111, 52115, 52117, 52125, 52127, 52143, 52149, 52153, 52163, 52171, 52175, 52201, 52203, 52211, 52213, 52215, 52220, 52224, 52226, 52233, 52238, 52240, 52244, 52254, 52261, 52266, 52281, 52334, 52340, 52342, 52346, 52349, 52352, 52354, 52358, 52364, 52370, 52376, 52388, 52390, 52395, 52397, 52448, 52455, 52467, 52480, 52482, 52588, 52589, 52590, 52591, 52592, 52593, 52595, 52597, 52599, 52601) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Jovial Crew

Dance: BBallad d'Amour-Denoyer, Mrs Booth


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Alithea Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: Sir Courtly Nice

Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Ballet: Grand Ballet D'Amour with Adonis. As17311228


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Dance: LLe Chasseur Royal-Desnoyer, Mrs Booth, Lally, Essex, Thurmond, Houghton, Lally Jr, Tench, Mrs Walter, Mrs D'Lorme, Miss Williams, Miss Mears, Miss Ambrose, Mrs Roger; All the Habits entirely New


Mainpiece Title: Esther

Role: Assuerus Actor: James Butler
Role: First Israelite Actor: James Butler


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Dance: As17320222


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: As17320222


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: As17320222


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: As17320222


Mainpiece Title: Esther

Role: Assuerus Actor: James Butler
Role: First Israelite Actor: James Butler


Mainpiece Title: The Alchymist

Role: Dame Pliant Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery


Mainpiece Title: The Silent Woman

Role: Mrs Mavis Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: MMinuet-Denoyer, Mrs Booth


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Husband

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: LLe Chasseur Royal, as17320222


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: Mrs Booth


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Prudence Actor: Mrs Butler.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: Miss Robinson; The Masques-; Myrtillo-Mrs Booth

Song: Singing in Italian-E. Roberts


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Lady Macduff Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery


Mainpiece Title: Greenwich Park

Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: SScotch Woman-Miss Robinson; Bartholomew Fair-Tench, Miss Brett; The Masques-Essex, Thurmond, Houghton, Tench, Mrs Walter, Miss Williams, Mrs D'Lorme, Miss Mears

Song: Singing in Italian-E. Roberts


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Millwood Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Song: Miss Raftor


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Millwood Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: I: English Maggot-Lally Jr, Mrs Walter; V: Harlequin-Miss Brett; End Farce: The Midsummer Whim (new)-Lally Jr, Holt, Mrs Walter, Mrs D'Lorme

Song: In I: Miss Raftor; End IV: E. Roberts


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Role: Hermione Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Music: Select Pieces-

Entertainment: Concluding with a Representation of The Carnival on the Rialto at Venice in which will be performed a Serenada-fifty of the best Hands (in Masquerade Habits) according to the Custom of the Country; Being the first of the Kind in England