SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (11524, 11526, 11529, 11531, 11533, 11536, 11538, 11542, 11544, 11547, 11549, 11552, 11554, 11557, 11560, 11562, 11568, 11607, 11634, 11636, 11639, 11642, 11645, 11647, 11654, 11659, 11667, 11672, 11679, 11683, 11685, 11688, 11700, 11703, 11705, 12130, 12190, 12346, 12369, 13424, 15147, 15159, 15172, 15183, 15243, 15257, 15428, 15469, 15475, 15554, 15915, 15919, 15923, 15927, 15931, 15938, 15990, 16012, 16025, 16129, 16147, 16151, 16156, 16160, 16164, 16168, 16172, 16176, 16186, 16190, 16194, 16200, 16204, 16210, 16214, 16218, 16222, 16228, 16232, 16238, 16244, 16300, 16322, 16416, 16461, 16882, 17138, 17146, 17148, 17152, 17153, 17165, 17177, 18351, 18430, 19245, 19251, 19255, 19261, 19263, 19271, 19300, 19351, 19353, 19357, 19359, 19361, 19363, 19365, 19367, 19369, 19371, 19373, 19375, 19391, 19397, 19404, 19406, 19417, 19460, 19472, 19505, 19509, 19573, 19586, 19591, 19596, 19606, 19608, 19612, 19637, 19638, 19660, 19726, 19740, 19750, 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Mainpiece Title: King Lear And His Three Daughters

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer


Mainpiece Title: Mithridates, King Of Pontus

Afterpiece Title: (by Dby Desire) The Necromancer


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Peg Actor: Miss Horsington
Role: Mincing Actor: Miss Brunette.

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Dance: A Hornpipe (by Desire)-Taylor


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Afterpiece Title: Margery; or, A Worse Plague than the Dragon : Being the Sequel to the Dragon of Wantley

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: With Dances, incident to the Opera,-Glover, Lalauze, Haughton, Mlle Roland, Villeneuve, Richardson, Dupre, Thompson, Miss Oates, Miss Norman, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381209


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Role: Teresa Actor: Miss Horsington.

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: Dances, as17381209, but _Lalauze


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Advocate Actor: Miss Brunette.

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Rose Actor: Miss Brunette

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: Mithridates, King Of Pontus

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Second

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fifth

Role: Page Actor: Miss Ferguson

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Convert

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Convert

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17381213


Mainpiece Title: Saul

Role: Merab Actor: Mrs Arne Miss Cecilia Young
Role: Witch of Endor Actor: Signora Lucchesina?, or Mrs Arne?-Young
Role: or Mrs Arne? Actor: Young


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: SSerious Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; Peasant-Lalauze, Mlle Roland; Scots Dance-Glover, Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Advocate Actor: Miss Brunette.

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: Glover, Mlle Roland, Villeneuve, Richardson, Dupre, Miss Oates, Miss Norman, Mrs LeBrun


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: Dancing-Glover, Mlle Roland, Villeneuve, Richardson, Dupre, Miss Oates, Miss Norman, Mrs LeBrun but see17390215

Song: CChancon a Boire-Leveridge, Laguerre


Mainpiece Title: King John

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: As17390305


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Lucy Actor: Miss Young

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: Dancing, as17390305 but Miss _Norman


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Advocate Actor: Miss Brunette.

Afterpiece Title: Margery

Role: Margery Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Esther? Young

Dance: Glover, Mlle Roland, Villeneuve, Richardson, Dupre, Miss Oates, Mrs LeBrun