SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (20832, 20835, 20838, 20841, 20845, 20875, 20967, 20980, 21112, 21116, 21126, 21230, 21281, 21321, 21359, 21360, 21378, 21396, 21398, 21418, 21422, 21467, 21512, 21515, 21521, 21529, 21557, 21590, 21617, 21619, 21670, 21754, 21761, 21783, 21816, 21837, 22178, 22184, 22209, 22252, 22262, 22580, 22589, 22591, 22601, 22608, 22631, 22638, 22643, 22646, 22649, 22653, 22656, 22659, 22664, 22687, 22749, 22797, 22815, 22866, 22956, 22958, 22961, 22984, 22986, 23002, 23011, 23017, 23022, 23026, 23049, 23055, 23062, 23065, 23067, 23070, 23079, 23084, 23090, 23093, 23097, 23106, 23121, 23124, 23127, 23132, 23156, 23171, 23181, 23186, 23191, 23195, 23216, 23223, 23225, 23228, 23230, 23239, 23247, 23249, 23253, 23256, 23261, 23264, 23268, 23277, 23280, 23312, 23315, 23317, 23351, 23369, 23382, 23389, 23400, 23416, 23419, 23422, 23425, 23433, 23457, 23501, 23542, 23545, 23557, 23606, 23639, 23661, 23665, 23668, 23671, 23674, 23692, 23705, 23724, 23727, 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Mainpiece Title: Henry Vii; Or, The Popish Imposter

Role: Jane Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: The Nonjuror

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors

Song: II: Lowe

Dance: III: The Mechels


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Song: II: Lowe; III: Cantata-Lowe

Dance: V: Tambourine-Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Maid Actor: Miss Cole.


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Sylvia Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Song: II: Lowe; III: Cantata-Lowe


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Calista Actor: Miss Budgell
Role: Lucilla Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: Tragedy of Tragedies

Role: Tom Thumb Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Cleora Actor: Miss Cole

Song: II, III: Lowe


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Maid Actor: Miss Cole.

Dance: V: the Mechels


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Jessica Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Song: III: Cantata-Lowe

Dance: IV: Peasant Dance-Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors

Song: II: Song-; IV: Cantata-Lowe

Dance: V: Italian Peasants, as17460206


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Maid Actor: Miss Cole.

Dance: V: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Song: II: Lowe

Dance: III: Mechels


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Role: Mrs Gadabout Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Prissy Actor: Miss Cole

Dance: V: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Cherry Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Incendiary

Role: Maid Actor: Miss Royer.
Role: Amoret Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Fame Actor: Miss Young.


Mainpiece Title: The Comical Lovers; Or, Marriage A-la-mode

Role: Flavia Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Beliza Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Sabina Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Dance: III: Italian Peasants, as17460206 IV: Shepherds Dance-Muilment, Desse, Miss Scott

Song: V: A New Scotch Dialogue-Lowe, Miss Edwards


Mainpiece Title: The Comical Lovers

Role: Flavia Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Beliza Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Sabina Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Incendiary

Role: Maid Actor: Miss Royer.
Role: Amoret Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Fame Actor: Miss Young.


Mainpiece Title: The She Gallant; Or, Once A Lover And Always A Lover

Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Diana Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Melissa Actor: Miss Pitt
Role: Dorinda Actor: Miss Cole
Role: Mrs Lawn Actor: Miss Royer.

Afterpiece Title: Three Hours after Marriage

Dance: Muilment, the Mechels


Mainpiece Title: The Comical Lovers

Role: Flavia Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Beliza Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Sabina Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: Three Hours after Marriage

Song: III: Lowe


Mainpiece Title: The Comical Lovers

Role: Flavia Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Beliza Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Sabina Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Incendiary

Role: Amoret Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Fame Actor: Miss Young.


Mainpiece Title: The Lying Lover; Or, The Ladies Friendship

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Song: I: Song-; II: Scotch Dialogue, as17460310 IV: Cantata-Lowe

Dance: III: Italian Peasants, as17460206


Mainpiece Title: The She Gallant

Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Diana Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Melissa Actor: Miss Pitt
Role: Dorinda Actor: Miss Cole
Role: Mrs Lawn Actor: Miss Royer.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Incendiary

Role: Amoret Actor: Miss Edwards
Role: Fame Actor: Miss Young.


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Hoyden Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Song: II: Scotch Dialogue, as17460310 IV: Cantata-Lowe

Dance: III: Italian Peasants, as17460206 V: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Lying Lover

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: Love and Friendship

Role: Clorinda Actor: Miss Edwards


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Role: Florella Actor: Miss Minors

Song: I: (By Desire) Per Pieta in L'Incostanza Delusa-Mrs Arne; III: Nature Fram'd thee sure for loving, in the Judgment of Paris-Mrs Arne; IV: (Being particularly desir'd by several Ladies of Quality) Rasserena il Mesto Ciglia in the Opera Artemene-Mrs Arne


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Maid Actor: Miss Cole.

Dance: I: Muilment; II: The Peasant and Sabotiere-Mechel, Young Mechel; III: Les Characteres de la Dance-Miss Mechel; I of Farce: Minuet, Louvre-the Mechels; End of Farce: Swiss Dance-the Mechels


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Role: Monimia Actor: Miss Budgell
Role: Page Actor: Miss Macklin.
Role: Florella Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Song: II: Lowe; IV: Cantata-Lowe

Dance: III: Italian Peasants, as17460206