SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (20832, 20835, 20838, 20841, 20845, 20875, 20967, 20980, 21112, 21116, 21126, 21230, 21281, 21321, 21359, 21360, 21378, 21396, 21398, 21418, 21422, 21467, 21512, 21515, 21521, 21529, 21557, 21590, 21617, 21619, 21670, 21754, 21761, 21783, 21816, 21837, 22178, 22184, 22209, 22252, 22262, 22580, 22589, 22591, 22601, 22608, 22631, 22638, 22643, 22646, 22649, 22653, 22656, 22659, 22664, 22687, 22749, 22797, 22815, 22866, 22956, 22958, 22961, 22984, 22986, 23002, 23011, 23017, 23022, 23026, 23049, 23055, 23062, 23065, 23067, 23070, 23079, 23084, 23090, 23093, 23097, 23106, 23121, 23124, 23127, 23132, 23156, 23171, 23181, 23186, 23191, 23195, 23216, 23223, 23225, 23228, 23230, 23239, 23247, 23249, 23253, 23256, 23261, 23264, 23268, 23277, 23280, 23312, 23315, 23317, 23351, 23369, 23382, 23389, 23400, 23416, 23419, 23422, 23425, 23433, 23457, 23501, 23542, 23545, 23557, 23606, 23639, 23661, 23665, 23668, 23671, 23674, 23692, 23705, 23724, 23727, 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Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Dance: A Masquerade Polish Dance-Delatre, Miss Rousellet; Minuet-Noverre, Miss Valcour

Song: III: Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Role: Almeria Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: TheFrenchified Lady

Dance: TThe Italian Peasants, as17571004


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Miss Barton
Role: Lucia Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Britannia

Dance: IV: A Minuet, Louvre-Noverre, Mrs Addison


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Role: Dorcas Actor: Miss Barton
Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Minors.

Song: Beard


Mainpiece Title: Amphitryon

Role: Night Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Bromia Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Britannia

Dance: A Hornpipe-Harrison

Ballet: TThe Prussian Camp. As17580421 but Blakes_


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant; Or, The History Of George Barnwell

Role: Milwood Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Lucy Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Role: Peggy Actor: Miss Minors.


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Sylvia Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Rose Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Oracle

Dance: II: A Hornpipe-Morris


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Role: Peggy Actor: Miss Minors.

Dance: III: A Hornpipe-Walker

Entertainment: % New Magic Scene, as17580428


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Arabella Zeal Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Jenny Private Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Oracle

Dance: IV: Hornpipe-Walker


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Role: Inis Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Minuet Actor: Miss Minors, Noverre.
Role: Violante Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: in which Minuet Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Ballet: I: The Prussian Camp. As17580421


Mainpiece Title: Every Man In His Humour

Role: Bridget Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Upholsterer