SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (20832, 20835, 20838, 20841, 20845, 20875, 20967, 20980, 21112, 21116, 21126, 21230, 21281, 21321, 21359, 21360, 21378, 21396, 21398, 21418, 21422, 21467, 21512, 21515, 21521, 21529, 21557, 21590, 21617, 21619, 21670, 21754, 21761, 21783, 21816, 21837, 22178, 22184, 22209, 22252, 22262, 22580, 22589, 22591, 22601, 22608, 22631, 22638, 22643, 22646, 22649, 22653, 22656, 22659, 22664, 22687, 22749, 22797, 22815, 22866, 22956, 22958, 22961, 22984, 22986, 23002, 23011, 23017, 23022, 23026, 23049, 23055, 23062, 23065, 23067, 23070, 23079, 23084, 23090, 23093, 23097, 23106, 23121, 23124, 23127, 23132, 23156, 23171, 23181, 23186, 23191, 23195, 23216, 23223, 23225, 23228, 23230, 23239, 23247, 23249, 23253, 23256, 23261, 23264, 23268, 23277, 23280, 23312, 23315, 23317, 23351, 23369, 23382, 23389, 23400, 23416, 23419, 23422, 23425, 23433, 23457, 23501, 23542, 23545, 23557, 23606, 23639, 23661, 23665, 23668, 23671, 23674, 23692, 23705, 23724, 23727, 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Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Lucilla Actor: Miss Minors.
Role: Lavinia Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Pitt
Role: Dorcas Actor: Miss Budgell.

Song: II: Lowe

Dance: III: Grand Dance-Muilment; V: Comic Dance-Sga Bettini


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Lucilla Actor: Miss Minors.
Role: Lavinia Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Role: Mrs Gadabout Actor: Miss Bradshaw

Dance: II: New Grand Dance-Muilment; III: New Dance-Muilment; V: Muilment

Song: IV: Gentle Shepherd-Mrs Arne


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Lucilla Actor: Miss Minors.
Role: Lavinia Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: Chrononhotonthologos

Role: First Lady Actor: Miss Cole
Role: Cupid Actor: Miss Yates
Role: Venus Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Fadladinida Actor: Miss Budgell

Song: I: a Cantata-Lowe

Dance: II: Muilment; III: Sga Bettini


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Country Wife Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Tragedy of Tragedies

Role: Tom Thumb Actor: Miss Yates

Song: I, III: Lowe

Dance: II: Sga Bettini


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan; Or, The Unhappy Marriage

Role: Florella Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Page Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: The Debauchees

Song: III: Lowe

Dance: V: Grand Comic Dance, as17450926


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Dance: II: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Dance: II: Mechel, Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Dance: II: Mechel, Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Lucilla Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Song: II, III: Lowe


Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Song: II: Britons Strike Home-Lowe

Dance: V: Mechel, Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Maid Actor: Miss Cole.


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Maid Actor: Miss Cole.


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Song: II, IV: Lowe

Dance: III: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Dance: I: Mechel, Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Dance: V: Mechel, Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Jessica Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bradshaw
Role: Maid Actor: Miss Cole.

Song: III: Lowe; IV: New Duet-Mrs Clive, Lowe

Dance: IV: Tambourine-Miss Mechel


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Dance: V: A Tambourine-Miss Mechel


Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Royer
Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Minors

Song: I: By Desire the Favourite Duet My Faith and Truth, as17460105; III: a New Cantata-Lowe; V: New Duet, as17460110


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Role: Mrs Chat Actor: Miss Pitt

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors

Song: II: New Cantata-Lowe

Dance: V: Tambourine-Mlle Mechel