SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (20832, 20835, 20838, 20841, 20845, 20875, 20967, 20980, 21112, 21116, 21126, 21230, 21281, 21321, 21359, 21360, 21378, 21396, 21398, 21418, 21422, 21467, 21512, 21515, 21521, 21529, 21557, 21590, 21617, 21619, 21670, 21754, 21761, 21783, 21816, 21837, 22178, 22184, 22209, 22252, 22262, 22580, 22589, 22591, 22601, 22608, 22631, 22638, 22643, 22646, 22649, 22653, 22656, 22659, 22664, 22687, 22749, 22797, 22815, 22866, 22956, 22958, 22961, 22984, 22986, 23002, 23011, 23017, 23022, 23026, 23049, 23055, 23062, 23065, 23067, 23070, 23079, 23084, 23090, 23093, 23097, 23106, 23121, 23124, 23127, 23132, 23156, 23171, 23181, 23186, 23191, 23195, 23216, 23223, 23225, 23228, 23230, 23239, 23247, 23249, 23253, 23256, 23261, 23264, 23268, 23277, 23280, 23312, 23315, 23317, 23351, 23369, 23382, 23389, 23400, 23416, 23419, 23422, 23425, 23433, 23457, 23501, 23542, 23545, 23557, 23606, 23639, 23661, 23665, 23668, 23671, 23674, 23692, 23705, 23724, 23727, 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Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Dance: II: a New Comic Dance call'd Neopolitan Punch-Checo Torinese, Sga Chiaretta Aquilanti, Boromeo, Mlle Bonneval; IV: A New Comic Dance call'd Italian Gardeners-Checo, Chiaretta


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Dance: II: Neopolitan Punch, as17421231; IV: Italian Gardeners, as17421231

Music: III: Concerto-Piantanida


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Dance: As17430120


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Song: As17430120

Dance: As17430120


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Music: IV: Concerto-Piantanida


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: As17430120


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Music: I: Concerto-Piantinida; IV: A New Concerto (never perform'd before) on the German Flute-Burk Thumoth

Dance: II: Neopolitan Punch, as17430324

Song: III: Distracted I Turn-Beard


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Role: Mrs Highman Actor: Miss Bennet

Song: II: Beard; IV: Lowe

Dance: III: Sicilian Peasant, as17430310

Music: V: Concerto on German Flute-Burk Thumoth


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Devil To Pay

Role: Lady Loverule Actor: Miss Bennet

Dance: I: Grand Serious Ballet, as17421005; V: Sicilian Peasant, as17430310

Music: II: Concerto-Piantanida; IV: Solo-Piantanida

Song: III: An Italian Song-a Gentlewoman


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Betty Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Song: As17430120

Dance: II: Tyrolean Dance, as17421129; IV: New Serious Ballet, as17430425


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Gipsey Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller of Mansfield

Role: Margery Actor: Miss Bennet

Song: III, IV: Love

Music: V: Concerto on German Flute-Burk Thumoth

Dance: I: Scotch Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; II: a Tambourine-Master Matthews, Miss Wright after the Manner of the Moors


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse; Or, Virtue In Danger

Role: Hoyden Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Hoyden Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Mariana Actor: Miss Talbot
Role: Harriet Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Song: TThe Rapture-; and a favorite song out of Solomon called Tell me Gentle Shepherd Where-Miss Talbot


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Wheedle Actor: Miss Jarvis
Role: Mariana Actor: Miss Talbot
Role: Harriet Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Jarvis


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Dorinda Actor: Miss Taylor
Role: Cherry Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Jarvis


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Miss Prue Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: Temple of Dulness

Role: Negligence Actor: Miss Young
Role: Faddlini Actor: Miss Cole

Dance: II: New Shepherd's Dance-Muilment; IV: Grand Dance-Signora Bettini


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Role: Page Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Serina Actor: Miss Budgell
Role: Florella Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Rosamond

Role: Rosamond Actor: Miss Young

Dance: IV: New Shepherd's Dance-Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Jessica Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: Rosamond

Role: Rosamond Actor: Miss Young

Dance: IV: New Shepherd's Dance-Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Lucilla Actor: Miss Minors.
Role: Lavinia Actor: Miss Budgell

Afterpiece Title: Rosamond

Role: Rosamond Actor: Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Cherry Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: Rosamond

Role: Rosamond Actor: Miss Young

Dance: IV: Grand Dance, as17450108


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Miss Prue Actor: Miss Minors.

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Role: Mauxalinda Actor: Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Prince Arthur Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Blanch Actor: Miss Minors