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Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Role: Biddy Actor: Miss Pope

Song: III: A Cantata-Miss Young. *uöÓdl TThe Farmer's Return from London. As17620329


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young

Entertainment: IV: The Brass Prophecy, as17620330


Mainpiece Title: The Mistake

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young

Dance: I: The Camp Alarm'd, as17610926; III: The Drunken Swiss-Grimaldi, Baltazar, Miss Baker; IV: A New Tambourine-Vincent. (playbill) *uö¯dl TThe Farmer's Return from London. As17620320

Entertainment: TThe Savoyard Travellers-Grimaldi, Sg and Sga Giorgi, Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Cherry Actor: Miss Pope

Afterpiece Title: The Old Maid

Role: Mrs Harlowe Actor: Miss Haughton

Dance: IV: New Hornpipe-Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Haughton

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe (With Alterations)

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope

Ballet: II: A New Comic Dance, call'd The May Day Frolic. Country Girl-Miss Dawson; Chimney Sweeper-Mr Baltazar

Role: Country Girl Actor: Miss Dawson

Dance: End: New Hornpipe-Miss Dawson

Song: IV: Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Miss Prue Actor: Miss Pope.

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young

Dance: II: The Tambourine Dance-Vincent; III: The Italian Gardiners, as17611010; IV: Hornpipe-Vincent; The Camp Alarm'd, as17610926. End: The Farmer's Return from London. As17620320


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Haughton

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Pope, first time

Dance: II: Hornpipe-Vincent; IV: Hearts of Oak, as17620421

Song: III: Miss Young; End: Mrs Vincent


Mainpiece Title: All In The Wrong

Role: Lady Restless Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Marmalet Actor: Miss Mills

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young

Song: III: The Camp Alarm'd, as17610926; IV: Mrs Vincent

Dance: HHornpipe-Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Cherry Actor: Miss Pope

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Role: Phillida Actor: Miss Young.

Dance: II: New Dutch Comic Dance, as17610925; IV: Hearts of Oak, as17620421

Entertainment: End: for that night only, a Whimsical Roratorical Description of a Man o'War and Sea Fight-Moody, with Bog of Allen; Notes on the whole


Mainpiece Title: The Confederacy

Role: Corinna Actor: Miss Pope

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Dance: II: Hornpipe-Wallis; V: New Hornpipe-Miss Dawson


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Hornpipe Actor: Miss Dawson

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Role: Miss Biddy Actor: Miss Pope.


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Iv, Part I

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope

Dance: End: Hearts of Oak-Vincent, Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Role: Miss Biddy Actor: Miss Pope.


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Dance: New Pantomime Ballet,The Bavarian Shoemakers-Sg Del'Agata, Sga Fiorentini; and New Pantomime Ballet, The Italian Robbers-Sg Del'Agata, Sga Fiorentini, being their 1st appearance in England


Mainpiece Title: Tancred And Sigismunda

Role: Laura Actor: Miss Haughton

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycomb

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope

Dance: II: The Bavarian Shoemakers, as17621009; The Italian Robbers, as17621009


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Cherry Actor: Miss Pope

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: TThe Sabotiers-Mas. Rogier, Miss Capitani


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Miss Prue Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Haughton.

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Dance: II: The Bavarian Shoemakers, as17621009


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Iv, Part Ii

Role: Falstaff's page Actor: Miss Rogers

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycomb

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Dance: HHearts of Oak, as17620925