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Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: Othello


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Role: Anne Bullen Actor: Miss Haughton.
Role: Patience Actor: Miss Young

Afterpiece Title: The Coronation


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Mrs Lovely Actor: Miss Haughton.

Afterpiece Title: The Coronation

Role: Dancing Actor: Miss Capitani.


Mainpiece Title: Barbarossa

Afterpiece Title: The Coronation


Mainpiece Title: The Alchemist

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion


Mainpiece Title: King Lear

Role: Regan Actor: Miss Haughton

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake

Role: Mrs Notable Actor: Miss Pope

Song: IV: A New Comic Interlude of Singing and Dancing, call'd Hearts of Oak The Characters-Lowe, Stevens, Fox, Vincent, Miss E. Young, Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: The School For Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: The School For Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope


Mainpiece Title: The School For Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Pope

Song: I: Hearts of Oak-. [See17620115]


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: Barbarossa

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Alchemist

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young

Song: HHearts of Oak-. [See17620115]


Mainpiece Title: The School For Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Provoked Wife

Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Role: Sophy Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Singers Actor: Champness, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Rehearsal; or, Bayes in Petticoats

Dance: %New Dutch Comic Dance, as17610925


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Cherry Actor: Miss Pope

Afterpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Fairy Actor: Miss Wright
Role: Colombine Actor: Miss Baker.
Role: Duet Actor: Lowe, Miss Young.

Entertainment: I: King (for this night only) will present the Public with a Serio-Comic, Satiric, Prophetic, Poetic Oration, call'd The Brass Prophecy or News Ten Years Hence-King; End Farce, By Particular Desire: The Picture of the Playhouse or Bucks Have at ye All-King

Dance: IV: A New Hornpipe-Miss Baker. *uö?dl After: The Farmer's Return from London. As17620329


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Bride, first time

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Role: Biddy Actor: Miss Pope