SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (21150, 21212, 21322, 21506, 21534, 21551, 21573, 21635, 21771, 21805, 22589, 22638, 22643, 22646, 22649, 22653, 22656, 22659, 22664, 22856, 22862, 22866, 23044, 23046, 23097, 23113, 23249, 23258, 23274, 23300, 23302, 23315, 23317, 23351, 23436, 23438, 23441, 23445, 23448, 23505, 23624, 23713, 23743, 23821, 23836, 24225, 25644, 25670, 25789, 25791, 25799, 26089, 26533, 26576, 26695, 26697, 26701, 26707, 26711, 26717, 26733, 26770, 26798, 26800, 26810, 26860, 26864, 26869, 26878, 26885, 26898, 26916, 26921, 27036, 27039, 27042, 27047, 27053, 27061, 27066, 27077, 27083, 27176, 27179, 27186, 27189, 27196, 27198, 27202, 27206, 27238, 27240, 27249, 27254, 27259, 27264, 27269, 27276, 27278, 27283, 27297, 27299, 27303, 27318, 27324, 27327, 27330, 27332, 27334, 27337, 27342, 27383, 27386, 27408, 27411, 27418, 27423, 27429, 27445, 27452, 27458, 27472, 27479, 27501, 27520, 27529, 27536, 27543, 27546, 27575, 27599, 27614, 27619, 27621, 27629, 27633, 27654, 27657, 27662, 27665, 27666, 27676, 27679, 27682, 27687, 27694, 27696, 27698, 27712, 27720, 27728, 27739, 27757, 27759, 27761, 27765, 27770, 27772, 27789, 27798, 27813, 27815, 27819, 27827, 27833, 27844, 27854, 27872, 27905, 27922, 27934, 27940, 27954, 27965, 27986, 28006, 28009, 28016, 28038, 28041, 28054, 28057, 28059, 28062, 28067, 28076, 28078, 28094, 28102, 28107, 28111, 28124, 28135, 28140, 28142, 28144, 28156, 28158, 28164, 28189, 28193, 28199, 28201, 28205, 28209, 28211, 28213, 28217, 28223, 28227, 28231, 28235, 28237, 28241, 28243, 28249, 28253, 28263, 28268, 28289, 28291, 28293, 28308, 28312, 28317, 28324, 28340, 28343, 28345, 28348, 28350, 28357, 28361, 28363, 28376, 28378, 28393, 28398, 28400, 28406, 28428, 28434, 28447, 28454, 28462, 28464, 28468, 28472, 28476, 28480, 28484, 28496, 28504, 28509, 28515, 28518, 28524, 28526, 28531, 28539, 28541, 28547, 28552, 28554, 28565, 28607, 28613, 28619, 28624, 28644, 28648, 28651, 28679, 28689, 28721, 28723, 28728, 28742, 28745, 28751, 28754, 28756, 28759, 28763, 28768, 28770, 28775, 28779, 28784, 28788, 28790, 28797, 28800, 28807, 28810, 28813, 28815, 28820, 28825, 28828, 28834, 28837, 28839, 28844, 28847, 28849, 28852, 28864, 28869, 28874, 28887, 28939, 28950, 28958, 28960, 28964, 28971, 28988, 28993, 28997, 29000, 29005, 29007, 29014, 29031, 29038, 29041, 29046, 29052, 29054, 29059, 29062, 29068, 29085, 29151, 29154, 29163, 29169, 29171, 29174, 29191, 29207, 29225, 29252, 29257, 29268, 29271, 29276, 29278, 29282, 29285, 29287, 29295, 29306, 29354, 29372, 29374, 29379, 29381, 29386, 29388, 29390, 29393, 29400, 29402, 29405, 29407, 29424, 29439, 29461, 29465, 29468, 29470, 29473, 29478, 29481, 29484, 29508, 29527, 29537, 29542, 29547, 29564, 29568, 29571, 29587, 29598, 29600, 29610, 29628, 29720, 29729, 29732, 29735, 29736, 29745, 29749, 29754, 29756, 29760, 29778, 29815, 29819, 29842, 29855, 29857, 29861, 29864, 29868, 29872, 29874, 29879, 29883, 29905, 29917, 29919, 29921, 29932, 29934, 29936, 29938, 29941, 29943, 29945, 29947, 29949, 29952, 29954, 29956, 29958, 29960, 29962, 29965, 29967, 29971, 29981, 29983, 30021, 30033, 30036, 30042, 30045, 30061, 30065, 30073, 30078, 30081, 30084, 30090, 30095, 30103, 30106, 30114, 30118, 30120, 30123, 30137, 30139, 30141, 30143, 30145, 30149, 30153, 30155, 30160, 30292, 30294, 30298, 30310, 30328, 30332, 30340, 30372, 30398, 30406, 30419, 30423, 30439, 30444, 30447, 30451, 30458, 30476, 30480, 30482, 30485, 30487, 30490, 30494, 30497, 30499, 30510, 30514, 30518, 30523, 30527, 30533, 30536, 30554, 30558, 30562, 30567, 30584, 30590, 30593, 30602, 30612, 30623, 30625, 30628, 30681, 31334, 31338, 31343, 31345, 31351, 31355, 31363, 31365, 31369, 31373, 31375, 31379, 31381, 31394, 31396, 31398, 31402, 31408, 31418, 31423, 31425, 31427, 31433, 31436, 31440, 31442, 31449, 31452, 31454, 31456, 31463, 31466, 31497, 31501, 31503, 31516, 31520, 31554, 31578, 31598, 31627, 31649, 31652, 31655, 31670, 31672, 31683, 31699, 31714, 31719, 31724, 31743, 31750, 31757, 31759, 31764, 31772, 31838, 31840, 31842, 31852, 31854, 31858, 31862, 31866, 31870, 31880, 31892, 31894, 31898, 31900, 31910, 31928, 31936, 31942, 31947, 31950, 31952, 31964, 31968, 31988, 31992, 32001, 32010, 32024, 32027, 32031, 32040, 32050, 32052, 32055, 32058, 32064, 32067, 32069, 32072, 32075, 32082, 32093, 32098, 32125, 32137, 32141, 32149, 32161, 32165, 32185, 32188, 32192, 32207, 32214, 32218, 32222, 32227, 32236, 32248, 32257, 32260, 32313, 32316, 32318, 32326, 32328, 32330, 32331, 32335, 32340, 32343, 32345, 32349, 32351, 32353, 32357, 32363, 32373, 32379, 32385, 32391, 32394, 32396, 32402, 32408, 32417, 32422, 32424, 32445, 32465, 32469, 32472, 32474, 32476, 32515, 32517, 32522, 32524, 32529, 32534, 32573, 32579, 32643, 32654, 32659, 32692, 32694, 32719, 32721, 32735, 32738, 32749, 32751, 32808, 32810, 32821, 32824, 32828, 32835, 32837, 32839, 32849, 32859, 32865, 32869, 32877, 32891, 32897, 32914, 32918, 32923, 32931, 32945, 32954, 32961, 32973, 32975, 32977, 32979, 32982, 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37362, 37364, 37413, 37415, 37417, 37423, 37546, 37571, 37595, 37603, 37776, 37796, 37822, 37830, 37834, 37842, 37848, 37879, 37901, 37903, 37915, 37920, 37950, 37952, 37961, 37988, 38152, 38173, 38198, 38217, 38220, 38222, 38234, 38237, 38240, 38245, 38251, 38324, 38326, 38342, 38352, 38358, 38384, 38418, 38489, 38506, 38586, 38630, 38685, 38690, 38699, 38717, 38749, 38877, 38895, 38915, 38925, 38931, 38938, 38947, 38949, 38961, 38975, 39009, 39014, 39035, 39059, 39119, 39197, 39248) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake; Or, The Wife's Resentment

Role: Miss Notable Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Heartshorn Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Role: Mrs Tatoo Actor: Miss Minors

Dance: IV: New Sailor's Dance, as17560217


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Jacintha Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Lucetta Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: A Will and no Will; or, A new case for the Lawyers

Dance: II: New Sailor's Dance, as17560217; End: A Minuet-Miss Macklin, Leviez. By Desire


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Macklin

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin.

Song: new Anniversary Ode in Commemoration of Shakespeare written by Havard set to music by Dr Boyce-Beard, Champness


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker

Role: Arabella Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Jenny Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Dance: II: The Garlands, as17560213


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Ophelia Actor: Miss Macklin, second time

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: NNew Sailor's Dance, as17560217


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Afterpiece Title: The Genii


Mainpiece Title: The Winter's Tale

Role: Perdita Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Dorcas Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Catherine and Petruchio


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Role: Monimia Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Serina Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Crononhotonthologos

Role: Tatlanthe Actor: Miss Mills
Role: Fadladinida Actor: Miss Hippisley


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake

Role: Miss Notable Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Heartshorn Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Lethe, with Mr Garrick's new Scene

Role: Mrs Tattoo Actor: Miss Minors.
Role: Mrs Tatoo Actor: Miss Minors

Dance: IV: Hornpipe-Mathews


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Indiana Actor: Miss Macklin, first time.

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Dance: Poitier Jun; first appearance that stage Mrs Vernon;

Song: Beard, Champness


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Role: Almeria Actor: Miss Macklin

Dance: HHornpipe-Atkins


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Polly Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: III: Hornpipe-Mathews


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Rose Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Sylvia Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: The Oracle

Dance: HHornpipe-Walker


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Ophelia Actor: Miss Macklin, second time

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: II: Hornpipe-Morris; End: A Minuet-LeBrun, Miss Rousellet


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Miss Prue Actor: Miss Macklin

Dance: The last New Comic Dance,The Indian Peasants, as17560515

Song: Beard


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Ophelia Actor: Miss Macklin, second time

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin.


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin, 1st time

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Minors


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Jacintha Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Lucetta Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller of Mansfield

Role: Peggy Actor: Miss Minors.


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker

Role: Arabella Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Jenny Private Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Ophelia Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist


Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin.


Mainpiece Title: The Gamester (comedy)

Role: Angelica Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Mrs Security Actor: Mrs Macklin
Role: Favorite Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Betty Actor: Miss Hippisley.

Dance: II: A New Serious Dance, call'd The Shipwreck; or +The Distressed Lovers-Gardiner (1st appearance that stage), Mrs Vernon; IV: A new Comic Dance call'd The Press Gang; or +The Sailor's Farewell-Gardiner, Mrs Vernon

Song: III: Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin.


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Arabella Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Jenny Private Actor: Miss Minors

Dance: II: The Press Gang, as17561013


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Role: Lady Plyant Actor: Miss Barton

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin.

Dance: Gardiner, Mrs Vernon.,As17561021