SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (21150, 21212, 21322, 21506, 21534, 21551, 21573, 21635, 21771, 21805, 22589, 22638, 22643, 22646, 22649, 22653, 22656, 22659, 22664, 22856, 22862, 22866, 23044, 23046, 23097, 23113, 23249, 23258, 23274, 23300, 23302, 23315, 23317, 23351, 23436, 23438, 23441, 23445, 23448, 23505, 23624, 23713, 23743, 23821, 23836, 24225, 25644, 25670, 25789, 25791, 25799, 26089, 26533, 26576, 26695, 26697, 26701, 26707, 26711, 26717, 26733, 26770, 26798, 26800, 26810, 26860, 26864, 26869, 26878, 26885, 26898, 26916, 26921, 27036, 27039, 27042, 27047, 27053, 27061, 27066, 27077, 27083, 27176, 27179, 27186, 27189, 27196, 27198, 27202, 27206, 27238, 27240, 27249, 27254, 27259, 27264, 27269, 27276, 27278, 27283, 27297, 27299, 27303, 27318, 27324, 27327, 27330, 27332, 27334, 27337, 27342, 27383, 27386, 27408, 27411, 27418, 27423, 27429, 27445, 27452, 27458, 27472, 27479, 27501, 27520, 27529, 27536, 27543, 27546, 27575, 27599, 27614, 27619, 27621, 27629, 27633, 27654, 27657, 27662, 27665, 27666, 27676, 27679, 27682, 27687, 27694, 27696, 27698, 27712, 27720, 27728, 27739, 27757, 27759, 27761, 27765, 27770, 27772, 27789, 27798, 27813, 27815, 27819, 27827, 27833, 27844, 27854, 27872, 27905, 27922, 27934, 27940, 27954, 27965, 27986, 28006, 28009, 28016, 28038, 28041, 28054, 28057, 28059, 28062, 28067, 28076, 28078, 28094, 28102, 28107, 28111, 28124, 28135, 28140, 28142, 28144, 28156, 28158, 28164, 28189, 28193, 28199, 28201, 28205, 28209, 28211, 28213, 28217, 28223, 28227, 28231, 28235, 28237, 28241, 28243, 28249, 28253, 28263, 28268, 28289, 28291, 28293, 28308, 28312, 28317, 28324, 28340, 28343, 28345, 28348, 28350, 28357, 28361, 28363, 28376, 28378, 28393, 28398, 28400, 28406, 28428, 28434, 28447, 28454, 28462, 28464, 28468, 28472, 28476, 28480, 28484, 28496, 28504, 28509, 28515, 28518, 28524, 28526, 28531, 28539, 28541, 28547, 28552, 28554, 28565, 28607, 28613, 28619, 28624, 28644, 28648, 28651, 28679, 28689, 28721, 28723, 28728, 28742, 28745, 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37362, 37364, 37413, 37415, 37417, 37423, 37546, 37571, 37595, 37603, 37776, 37796, 37822, 37830, 37834, 37842, 37848, 37879, 37901, 37903, 37915, 37920, 37950, 37952, 37961, 37988, 38152, 38173, 38198, 38217, 38220, 38222, 38234, 38237, 38240, 38245, 38251, 38324, 38326, 38342, 38352, 38358, 38384, 38418, 38489, 38506, 38586, 38630, 38685, 38690, 38699, 38717, 38749, 38877, 38895, 38915, 38925, 38931, 38938, 38947, 38949, 38961, 38975, 39009, 39014, 39035, 39059, 39119, 39197, 39248) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Role: Hypolita Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Mother Shipton


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Scentwell Actor: Miss Pearce
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Juno Actor: Miss Pearce

Entertainment: After: The Cries of London-Shuter; The Whim-Sga Manesiere, Aldridge as17720312


Mainpiece Title: The Refusal; Or, The Lady's Philosophy

Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: a Minuet Actor: Hamoir, Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Role: Charlotte Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Archy Actor: Macklin.

Dance: End: A Dance in which will be an Allemande,-Hamoir, Miss Hamoir


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Role: Violante Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: The Author

Role: Arabella Actor: Miss Pearce.

Dance: End: The Merry Sailors, as17711026


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: With a Minuet Actor: Fishar, Miss Macklin.

Dance: End: The Old ground Young, as17711030


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Mother Shipton

Dance: I: By Particular Desire a Minuet-Fishar, Miss Macklin; II: The Old ground Young, as17711030


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Portia Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Catherine and Petruchio

Dance: III: Comic Dance, as17711031; IV: A Tambourine, as17720501


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens

Role: Roxanna Actor: Miss Miller

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: With a Minuet Actor: Fishar, Miss Macklin.

Dance: End: New Dance, as17720409


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Role: Marcia Actor: Miss Miller.

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: With a Minuet Actor: Fishar, Miss Macklin.

Song: End: Ailen Aroon-Mrs Woodman, as17720429

Dance: End: The Old ground Young, as17711030


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Scentwell Actor: Miss Pearce
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him

Dance: End: The Old ground Young, as17711030


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Scentwell Actor: Miss Pearce
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: The Commissary

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Helme
Role: Jenny Actor: Miss Pearce

Dance: End: The Dutch Milkmaid-Mas. Blurton, Miss Besford

Monologue: Before: The New Occasional Prelude. As 21 Sept


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: With a Minuet Actor: Fishar, Miss Macklin.

Dance: End: The Old Ground Young, as17720928


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Scentwell Actor: Miss Pearce
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin

Monologue: Before the Play: New Occasional Prelude. As 21 Sept


Mainpiece Title: The Inconstant

Role: Lamorce Actor: Miss Ogilvie
Role: Bizarre Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Daphne and Amintor

Dance: IV: The Merry Sailors, as17721012

Monologue: 1772 11 12 Before: (By particular desire) New Occasional Prelude. As 27 Oct


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Countess Actor: Miss Miller, first time
Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin.


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Countess Actor: Miss Miller, first time
Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Cross Purposes

Dance: II: The Bird Catchers, as17721207


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Scentwell Actor: Miss Pearce
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Euphrosyne Actor: Miss Catley.


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not; Or, The Kind Imposter

Role: Hypolita Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: The Commissary

Role: Dolly Actor: Miss Helme
Role: Jenny Actor: Miss Pearce

Dance: End of Play: The Old Ground Young, as17720928


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Husband

Role: Ann Lovely Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Countess Actor: Miss Miller, first time
Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer

Dance: II: The Merry Sailors, as17721012


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Role: Hypolita Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Scentwell Actor: Miss Pearce
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Scentwell Actor: Miss Pearce
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: She Stoops To Conquor

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: With a Minuet Actor: Fishar, Miss Macklin.


Mainpiece Title: Artaxerxes

Role: Mandane Actor: Miss Catley, first time.

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: With a Minuet Actor: Fishar, Miss Macklin.

Dance: End Opera: The Irish Lilt, as17721028