SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (21150, 21212, 21322, 21506, 21534, 21551, 21573, 21635, 21771, 21805, 22589, 22638, 22643, 22646, 22649, 22653, 22656, 22659, 22664, 22856, 22862, 22866, 23044, 23046, 23097, 23113, 23249, 23258, 23274, 23300, 23302, 23315, 23317, 23351, 23436, 23438, 23441, 23445, 23448, 23505, 23624, 23713, 23743, 23821, 23836, 24225, 25644, 25670, 25789, 25791, 25799, 26089, 26533, 26576, 26695, 26697, 26701, 26707, 26711, 26717, 26733, 26770, 26798, 26800, 26810, 26860, 26864, 26869, 26878, 26885, 26898, 26916, 26921, 27036, 27039, 27042, 27047, 27053, 27061, 27066, 27077, 27083, 27176, 27179, 27186, 27189, 27196, 27198, 27202, 27206, 27238, 27240, 27249, 27254, 27259, 27264, 27269, 27276, 27278, 27283, 27297, 27299, 27303, 27318, 27324, 27327, 27330, 27332, 27334, 27337, 27342, 27383, 27386, 27408, 27411, 27418, 27423, 27429, 27445, 27452, 27458, 27472, 27479, 27501, 27520, 27529, 27536, 27543, 27546, 27575, 27599, 27614, 27619, 27621, 27629, 27633, 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Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Rosalind Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Dance: I: The Italian Peasants, as17571004


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Ophelia Actor: Miss Macklin.

Dance: TThe Market, as17571126


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Mercury Harlequin

Dance: II: The Market, as17571126


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette, or 1757


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Role: Ariel Actor: Miss Young
Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Pritchard

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Dance: IV: The Italian Peasants, as17571004


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Role: Inis Actor: Miss Minors
Role: Minuet Actor: Miss Minors, Noverre.
Role: Violante Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: in which Minuet Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Dance: IV: The Italian Peasants, as17571004


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Dance: IV: The Italian Peasants, as17571004


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Penelope Actor: Miss Macklin

Dance: TThe Market, as17571126


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Penelope Actor: Miss Macklin

Ballet: New Comic Entertainment of Dancing, call'dThe Prussian Camp. Officer-Blakes; Prussian Soldiers-the Comedians; Characters of the Dance-Delatre, Giorgi, Lucchi, Mrs Vernon. New Habits and Decorations for the Dance


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Arabella Zeal Actor: Miss Macklin
Role: Belinda Actor: Miss Haughton
Role: Jenny Private Actor: Miss Minors

Afterpiece Title: Mercury Harlequin

Dance: II: The Market, as17571126


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Miranda Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Ballet: II: The Prussian Camp. As17571223


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Role: Epithalamium Actor: Beard, Miss Young
Role: Arne Actor: Beard, Miss Young.

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Dance: IV: The Italian Peasants, as17571004


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Penelope Actor: Miss Macklin

Ballet: End: The Prussian Camp. As17571223


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Penelope Actor: Miss Macklin

Dance: II: The Italian Peasants, as17571004

Ballet: End: The Prussian Camp. As17571223


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Role: Almeria Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: The Author

Ballet: TThe Prussian Camp. As17571223


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Penelope Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Ballet: TThe Prussian Camp. As17571223


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Helena Actor: Miss Macklin

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Role: Queen Mab Actor: Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Role: Almeria Actor: Miss Macklin.

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Role: Queen Mab Actor: Miss Young