SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (11524, 11526, 11529, 11531, 11533, 11536, 11538, 11542, 11544, 11547, 11549, 11552, 11554, 11557, 11560, 11562, 11568, 11607, 11634, 11636, 11639, 11642, 11645, 11647, 11654, 11659, 11667, 11672, 11679, 11683, 11685, 11688, 11700, 11703, 11705, 12130, 12190, 12346, 12369, 13424, 15147, 15159, 15172, 15183, 15243, 15257, 15428, 15469, 15475, 15554, 15915, 15919, 15923, 15927, 15931, 15938, 15990, 16012, 16025, 16129, 16147, 16151, 16156, 16160, 16164, 16168, 16172, 16176, 16186, 16190, 16194, 16200, 16204, 16210, 16214, 16218, 16222, 16228, 16232, 16238, 16244, 16300, 16322, 16416, 16461, 16882, 17138, 17146, 17148, 17152, 17153, 17165, 17177, 18351, 18430, 19245, 19251, 19255, 19261, 19263, 19271, 19300, 19351, 19353, 19357, 19359, 19361, 19363, 19365, 19367, 19369, 19371, 19373, 19375, 19391, 19397, 19404, 19406, 19417, 19460, 19472, 19505, 19509, 19573, 19586, 19591, 19596, 19606, 19608, 19612, 19637, 19638, 19660, 19726, 19740, 19750, 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Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: End I: a new Ballet, Hippomene et Atalante. Hippomene-Simonet, Atalante- Mlle Baccelli, Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Mlle Vidini, Slingsby; End II: a new Ballet, connected with the Opera, +Les Forges de Vulcain. Venus-Mme Simonet, the 3 Graces- Sga Zuchelli, Sga Tinti, Miss Rose, +Cupid- young Miss Simonet, +the 3 Cyclopes- Banti, Zuchelli, LeDet, +Vulcain- Slingsby; With a grand Chorus of the Cyclopes by $Sacchini-

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: End Opera: a new Serious Ballet, La Fete du Ciel. Apollo-Mme Simonet; Flora-Sga Tinti; Zephir-Banti; Iris-Mlle Baccelli; To conclude with a grand Chaconne, in which-Mme Simonet will dance in a Man's Dress


Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: As17790325

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: La Fete du Ciel. As17790325


Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: As17790325

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: La Fete du Ciel. As17790325


Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: As17790325

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: La Fete du Ciel. As17790325


Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: As17790325

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: La Fete du Ciel. As17790325


Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: As17790325

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: La Fete du Ciel. As17790325


Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: As17790325

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: La Fete du Ciel. As17790325


Mainpiece Title: Enea E Lavinia

Dance: End I: Hippomene et Atalante, as17790325End II: Ballet by Fairies, as17790302

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Ballet: End Opera: La Fete du Ciel. As17790325but Apollo-_; Chaconne-_


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Mrs Candour Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Lady Sneerwell Actor: Miss Sherry

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe

Dance: As17790417

Song: As17781029


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Mrs Candour Actor: Miss Pope
Role: Lady Sneerwell Actor: Miss Sherry

Afterpiece Title: A Monody

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe

Dance: As17790417

Song: As17781006


Mainpiece Title: Demofoonte

Dance: End I: Hippomene et Atalante, as17790325but Mlle _Vidini; End II: Les Moissonneurs, as17781229; End Opera: New Ballet, as17781128, but Mme _Simonet, Mlle Bacelli

Role: Venus Actor:
Role: the 3 Graces Actor:
Role: Cupid Actor:

Song: In III: an additional song, as17790311


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin

Role: Lucia Actor: Miss Brangin
Role: Clara Actor: Miss Rowson.


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: Three Weeks after Marriage

Role: Nancy Actor: Miss Rowson

Dance: End: a New Dance-Byrne, Mrs Ratchford, Mrs Goodwin


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: The Devil upon Two Sticks

Role: Harriet Actor: Miss Tweedale.

Dance: As17881107


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: The Miser

Dance: As17881107

Music: Mainpiece: new Scotch Overture by Shield-


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: The Miser

Dance: As17881107


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: The Miser

Dance: As17881107


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Mrs Bruin Actor: Miss Wewitzer

Dance: As17881107


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: Catherine and Petruchio

Role: Bianca Actor: Miss Brangin

Dance: As17881107