SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1412, 1990, 1996, 2473, 2605, 2890, 3195, 3324, 3519, 3597, 3968, 5223, 6367, 6372, 6391, 6405, 6410, 6419, 6432, 7837, 8246, 8337, 9886, 12650, 12672, 12832, 13049, 13179, 13572, 13765, 14143, 14190, 14419, 14698, 15720, 16067, 16073, 16077, 16087, 16094, 16104, 16113, 16117, 16132, 16138, 16141, 16163, 16167, 16175, 16197, 16203, 16207, 16590, 16596, 17709, 17712, 17748, 18293, 18328, 18330, 18340, 18344, 18351, 18354, 18360, 18404, 18413, 18414, 18423, 18439, 18442, 18448, 18452, 18456, 18503, 18514, 18602, 18612, 18618, 18655, 18669, 18677, 18699, 18712, 18736, 18755, 18757, 18901, 18903, 18914, 18932, 18948, 18958, 18977, 18979, 18982, 19009, 19054, 19064, 19067, 19069, 19072, 19074, 19079, 19081, 19092, 19100, 19102, 19105, 19128, 19164, 19348, 19356, 19358, 19364, 19368, 19370, 19372, 19374, 19376, 19377, 19379, 19383, 19455, 19457, 19464, 19486, 19510, 19516, 19520, 19527, 19534, 19536, 19538, 19556, 19562, 19576, 19579, 19581, 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Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: The Plain Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: The Plain Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: I: The Pieraites-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; II: Grand Ballet-Denoyer; III: Aethiopian Dance-Muilment; IV: A new dance-Muilment


Mainpiece Title: The Inconstant

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: I: Harlequins-Poitier, Mlle Roland; III: Moors Dance-Muilment, Mrs Walter; IV: French Peasants-Poitier, Mlle Roland; V: Minuet-Poitier, Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd



Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: I: Serious Dance-Miss Morrison; II: Pierots-Leviez, Pelling; III: Master Ferg, Miss Wright; IV: Russian Sailors-Denoyer


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus

Dance: I: Punches Dance-Master Ferg; Miss Wright; III: Moors Dance-Muilment, Mrs Walter

Song: II: Singing in Italian-Miss Thynne; IV: The Noontide Air-Beard

Music: V: A Concerto-Henry Burgess Jr


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus

Dance: I: Punches Dance-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; III: Pierots-Leviez, Pelling; IV: Moors Dance-Muilment, Mrs Walter

Music: V: A Concerto-Henry Burgess Jr


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: II: Punches Dance-Master Ferg, Miss Wright


Mainpiece Title: The Plain Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: II: Miller and his Wife-Poitier, Mlle Roland; III: Ethiopians-Muilment, Mrs Walter; IV: French Peasants-Poitier, Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: I: Punches-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; II: Two Pierots-Leviez, Pelling; III: Chacone-Miss Kilby; In IV: French Peasants-Poitier, Mlle Roland

Song: V: The Life of a Beau-Mrs Clive


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: Master Oates, Phillips from dl, Miss Oates, Master Ferg


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: I: Hornpipe-Phillips; III: Drunken Peasant-Phillips; V: Comic Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: The Beaux Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: Mlle Chateauneuf; lately arriv'd from Paris. II: Le Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf; V: A new Grand Ballet-Mlle Chateauneuf, Liviez, Baudouin, Pelling, Rector, Carney, Mrs Walter, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Wright, Mrs Woodward, Mrs Vallois


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: As17390913