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Mainpiece Title: The Mother-in-law

Afterpiece Title: Dido and Aeneas

Afterpiece Title: The Burgomaster Trick'd

Dance: As17340129


Mainpiece Title: The Mother-in-law

Afterpiece Title: Dido and Aeneas

Afterpiece Title: The Burgomaster Trick'd

Dance: As17340129


Mainpiece Title: Gardener's Wedd1ng; Or, The Waterman Defeated


Mainpiece Title: The Revenge

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Milliners; or, The Humours of Covent-Garden

Dance: I: Irish Trot by Shawford. III: Scot's Dance by Shawford. IV: Hornpipe by Collard. V: Sailor's Dance by Castiglione

Song: II: By Young Cunningham


Mainpiece Title: The Revenge

Dance: As17360119


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Extravagance

Dance: Irish Trot. Scot's Dance. Two Pierrots. Sailor's Dance


Mainpiece Title: Siroe


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow; Or, The Wanton Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.

Song: the first time of her performance on that theatre, viz.the first time of her performance on that theatre, viz. In III: An Italian Song beinging Di Lor Mio-Miss Cecilia Young; III: Torna mi Vegbeggiar-Miss Cecelia Young both from the Opera of Alcina


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.

Song: II: Torna mi a Vegbeggiar-Miss Young; IV: Di Lor Mio-Miss Young


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: King Lear And His Three Daughters

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Damascus

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.

Song: II: La Nuvoletta-Miss Cecilia Young; IV: Wou'd you gain the Tender Creature-Miss Cecilia Young


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, Part Ii

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Role: Ethiopian Actor: Muilment.


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest; Or, The Inchanted Island

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield