SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1412, 1990, 1996, 2473, 2605, 2890, 3195, 3324, 3519, 3597, 3968, 5223, 6367, 6372, 6391, 6405, 6410, 6419, 6432, 7837, 8246, 8337, 9886, 12650, 12672, 12832, 13049, 13179, 13572, 13765, 14143, 14190, 14419, 14698, 15720, 16067, 16073, 16077, 16087, 16094, 16104, 16113, 16117, 16132, 16138, 16141, 16163, 16167, 16175, 16197, 16203, 16207, 16590, 16596, 17709, 17712, 17748, 18293, 18328, 18330, 18340, 18344, 18351, 18354, 18360, 18404, 18413, 18414, 18423, 18439, 18442, 18448, 18452, 18456, 18503, 18514, 18602, 18612, 18618, 18655, 18669, 18677, 18699, 18712, 18736, 18755, 18757, 18901, 18903, 18914, 18932, 18948, 18958, 18977, 18979, 18982, 19009, 19054, 19064, 19067, 19069, 19072, 19074, 19079, 19081, 19092, 19100, 19102, 19105, 19128, 19164, 19348, 19356, 19358, 19364, 19368, 19370, 19372, 19374, 19376, 19377, 19379, 19383, 19455, 19457, 19464, 19486, 19510, 19516, 19520, 19527, 19534, 19536, 19538, 19556, 19562, 19576, 19579, 19581, 19583, 19585, 19590, 19595, 19611, 19628, 19632, 19646, 19648, 19650, 19653, 19656, 19658, 19659, 19663, 19683, 19685, 19689, 19713, 19715, 19719, 19721, 19723, 19725, 19726, 19727, 19729, 19731, 19733, 19735, 19739, 19740, 19741, 19743, 19747, 19750, 19758, 19762, 19767, 19771, 19785, 19786, 19789, 19791, 19793, 19795, 19798, 19800, 19809, 19816, 19833, 19845, 19846, 19847, 19850, 19858, 19860, 19861, 19863, 19865, 19866, 19867, 19868, 19871, 19875, 19878, 19881, 19883, 19885, 19889, 19890, 19897, 19899, 19900, 19902, 19903, 19906, 19908, 19911, 19913, 19916, 19918, 19921, 20002, 20012, 20038, 20048, 20053, 20062, 20067, 20102, 20114, 20152, 20190, 20193, 20196, 20199, 20202, 20205, 20233, 20245, 20248, 20254, 20257, 20264, 20267, 20273, 20292, 20295, 20307, 20311, 20317, 20320, 20323, 20326, 20329, 20343, 20347, 20378, 20392, 20398, 20415, 20421, 20432, 20438, 20441, 20448, 20461, 20468, 20490, 20549, 20613, 20752, 20768, 20784, 20788, 20791, 20794, 20801, 20804, 20807, 20819, 20916, 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Mainpiece Title: Agnes De Castro


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: The Queen's Coronation Song: Composed and-Mr Abell; ....With other Songs in several Languages-; Accompanied-the Greatest Masters of Instrumental Musick


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan; Or, The Unhappy Marriage


Dance: To be expressed in the Great Bills


Mainpiece Title: The City Politiques

Song: Mrs Hodgson, Cook

Dance: Country Farmer's Daughter, Entry, The Wood Nymph-Miss Bruce Mrs Elford's Scholar; rope dancing-Pinkethman's Two famous French Maidens; ...the eldest...Dancing without a Pole and turning her self round, which never could be done by any yet before her (as all the Quality of England are satisfy'd of), and who are desir'd by the said Quality, and most part of the Town to perform; Also vaulting on the manag'd Horse-Evans wherein he performs several surprizing Entertainments, especially his Body lying extended on one Arm, and drinking 9 Glasses of Wine from the other


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Acted Actor: Women.

Dance: deBarques, Mrs Elford, others; A Chacone-Miss Bruce

Song: As17051011


Mainpiece Title: Pastor Fido; Or, The Faithful Shepherd

Role: All Parts Actor: Women.

Song: Mrs Tofts

Dance: Cherrier, others


Mainpiece Title: Pastor Fido

Role: Acted all Actor: Women.

Song: Leveridge, others; particularly The Dialogue Between the English and French Gazetteers, Treating of the Glorious Victory at Ramilly-Leveridge, others

Dance: As17061219


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Vocal and instrumental Music-; viz. A full Piece of the late Mr Henry Purcell-Dean, Holmes, Feiston; A new Set of Airs for the Arch Lute and Violin Composed on purpose by Tho. Dean-; That celebrated Sonata for a Violin and Flute made by the famous Signor Gasperini, and played by him and Paisable often before her Majesty, and at the Theatre,-two young Gentlemen that never Play'd in Publick; who also perform some new Italian Sonatas of the most Eminent Masters in Europe, Double/stopped Solos of the Famous Archangelo Corelli-two young Gentlemen; Singing to the Lute-Dean; Several Pieces for Trumpets Flutes and Haut/boys-; Also Select Airs out of the Operas of Camilla and Thomyris, with their Symphonies-the best Performers


Mainpiece Title: The Heroick Daughter

Role: Epilogue Actor: Ximena.


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Afterpiece Title: The Cobler of Preston


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Dance: As17151119


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: Dido and Aeneas


Mainpiece Title: Sir Courtly Nice

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It


Mainpiece Title: Greenwich Park

Afterpiece Title: Venus and Adonis (First Interlude)

Dance: As17151119


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Dance: Harlequin Mezzetin and Colombine-; La Caprice, as17160411


Mainpiece Title: Chit Chat

Afterpiece Title: The Island Princess (the Comedy in the last Act)

Dance: Salle, Mlle Salle; Shepherdess-; Turkey Cock-; Mimic Song of an Old Woman-; The Irish Trot-Mrs Willis


Mainpiece Title: Timon Of Athens; Or, The Man Hater

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mr Penkethmen

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Dance: Lads and Lasses-Shaw, Mrs Booth, others; Tollet's Ground-Mrs Bicknell, Mrs Younger; The Sailor and his Lass-Weaver, Mrs Bullock; Harlequin-Miss Lindar

Music: Imitation of the Tattoo- (never perform'd here)


Song: Comical Dialogue between Dr Thornhill and his Old Merry Andrew-Mr Platt, others

Dance: Mr Jones, others


Mainpiece Title: The Town Airs

Music: Between the Acts: Select Pieces-


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: with all the Songs Actor: Men, Women.


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: With all the Songs Actor: Men, Women.