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Mainpiece Title: Calisto; Or, The Chaste Nimph

Afterpiece Title: Calisto's Additional performers


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Wives

Role: in a Press Actor: master's Habit


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Mr Abell; having had the Honour lately, to Sing to the Nobility and Gentry of Richmond and the Neighbouring Towns, thinks himself bound in return his most Humble Thanks with a Performance of New Musick, in English, Latin, Italian, French-Mr Abell; &c....being Honour'd and Accompany'd-the Greatest Masters of Europe


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: A Consort of Musick composed by the late Mr Henry Purcel...-the best Masters, never before made public


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: The Queen's Coronation Song: Composed and-Mr Abell; ....With other Songs in several Languages-; Accompanied-the Greatest Masters of Instrumental Musick


Mainpiece Title: Italian Interludes

Dance: Some mimical Entertainments a Famous-Scaramouch, Harlequin , who lately perform'd before the Court of Hanover and their Prussian Majesties, now arriv'd in England

Entertainment: Vaulting. An extraordinary Performance on the Manag'd Horse-the greatest Master of the Age , exceeding whatever has been done by any other, especially his resting on one hand with his whole Body extended while he drinks several Glasses of Wine, and then throwing himself a Somerset over the Horse's head; Rope/dancing With and without a Pole,-the two famous French Maids so much admir'd, for surpassing all others in their Art, that they have been presented with Medals at most of the Courts in Europe


Mainpiece Title: The Reform'd Wife; Or, The Sickly Lady

Dance: A Mimick Entertainment in Imitation of Mademoiselle and her Dancing Dogs, viz. Miss, Serviteur, Beau, Peasant, Scaramouch, Harlequin.-Masters

Role: Harlequin. Actor: Masters.


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Dance: As17071031

Role: Harlequin. Actor: Masters.


Mainpiece Title: The Reform'd Wife

Dance: As17071031; also Legard, Legard's Scholar

Role: Harlequin. Actor: Masters.



Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Vocal and Instrumental Music-; Note. There will be a particular Performance on the Arch and French Lute-an Italian Master; with Singing-an Italian Master


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Compleat Consort...-the best Masters

Role: . Actor: the best Masters.


Mainpiece Title: Le Furbarie Per Vendetta; Or, Brighella's Revenge Thwarted By Argentina: With Divers Transformations Of Harlequin, Viz

Dance: Turkish Men and Women, being the Invention of Mr Poitier


Mainpiece Title: Cartouche The French Robber

Entertainment: The Representation of a true Accident that lately happen'd in this City-; Likewise some Italian Catches, Musical Entertainments, extraordinary Comical by the said-Brighella; The usual Concert of Instruments will be augmented-; and the Dances entirely new, by several Grotesque Characters, the last-sixteen different Dancers; Dances-Signor Grimaldo Francolino of Malta, Operator for the Teeth, being on his Daparture will perform for this Time only some of his wonderful Dances; particularly one within a Dark Lanthorn


Mainpiece Title: Camilla

Afterpiece Title: The Metamorphoses of Cartouche

Role: A Swiss Musick Actor: Master

Dance: TTwo Pierrots-Nivelon, Poitier

Song: Two Songs in Italian by the Author-Rochetti


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar

Role: Brutus Actor: Master Hay


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not; Or, The Kind Imposter

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy and Poor Pierrot Married


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy and Poor Pierrot Married


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Ivth, Part Ii; With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff And Justice Shallow

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy and Poor Pierrot Married


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Queen; or, Harlequin Turn'd Enchanter

Afterpiece Title: Concluding with the Loves of Shepherds and Shepherdesses


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Role: Page Actor: Master Woodward

Afterpiece Title: Flora


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Dicky Actor: Master Woodward

Song: Goff



Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Dicky Actor: Master Woodward

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida



Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Role: Page Actor: Master Woodward

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida