SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (33370, 33444, 33590, 33593, 33631, 33658, 33711, 33809, 33878, 33970, 33997, 34083, 34116, 34210, 34220, 34343, 34364, 34368, 34373, 34382, 34392, 34407, 34422, 34424, 34448, 34453, 34457, 34502, 34514, 34524, 34526, 34528, 34530, 34532, 34534, 34537, 34539, 34542, 34544, 34548, 34551, 34553, 34556, 34558, 34560, 34576, 34584, 34586, 34588, 34590, 34604, 34607, 34612, 34635, 34637, 34654, 34665, 34670, 34697, 34721, 34733, 34750, 34768, 34771, 34776, 34778, 34782, 34790, 34792, 34805, 34807, 34810, 34813, 34818, 34896, 34906, 34912, 34914, 34916, 34918, 34920, 34922, 34924, 34932, 34936, 34942, 34948, 34952, 34960, 34962, 34964, 34967, 34969, 34971, 34973, 34976, 34978, 34981, 34983, 34985, 34987, 34990, 34992, 34995, 34997, 34999, 35001, 35004, 35006, 35009, 35011, 35013, 35032, 35034, 35037, 35039, 35043, 35046, 35058, 35061, 35063, 35065, 35067, 35069, 35071, 35073, 35077, 35095, 35098, 35100, 35109, 35119, 35121, 35185, 35196, 35224, 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Mainpiece Title: The Man Of The World

Role: Lord Lumbercourt Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Rambler; or, The Convent in an Uproar


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Witwou'd Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Dance: Afterpiece to conclude as17831104


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disguise

Dance: End of mainpiece The Sportsmen's Return, as17840308i.e. this was originally entitled The Return of the Hunters]


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disguise

Dance: As17840311athi


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disguise

Dance: As17840311athi


Mainpiece Title: The Reparation

Role: Colonel Quorum Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Comedy Of Errors

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Buck Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Song: End I 2nd piece: The Old Four and Twenty Fiddlers all on a Row-Edwin

Entertainment: Monologues. End: a Comical, Whimsical, Operatical, Farcical Rhapsody, Lingo the Butler's Opinion on Men and Manners-Edwin; End 2nd piece: a Dissertation upon Law (from the Lecture on Heads)-Lee Lewes


Mainpiece Title: Such Things Are

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Buck Actor: Lee Lewes

Song: End II: The Memorable 13th of September; or, The Defeat of the Spaniards before Gibraltar-Bannister

Entertainment: Monologue. End: A Monody to the Memory of [that distinguished Philanthropist, John Howard Esquire [on whom the character of Haswell was founded]-Mrs Pope[, in the character of a Female Captive


Mainpiece Title: The Ladies' Frolick

Afterpiece Title: The Comedy of Errors

Role: Buck Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Dance: End I: Crutch Dance-Byrne, Mrs Goodwin

Song: In course: Dr Hayes's New Highland Laddie-Mrs Warrell; Between the acts 2nd piece: Alone by the Light of the Moon-Darley


Mainpiece Title: Nootka Sound

Afterpiece Title: The Comedy of Errors

Role: Buck Actor: Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Chaplet


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not; Or, The Kind Impostor

Role: Trappanti Actor: Lee Lewes
Role: Viletta Actor: Mrs Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: A Merry Sketch of Folly and Fashion


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Marplot Actor: Lee Lewes
Role: Patch Actor: Mrs Lee Lewes

Afterpiece Title: The Advertisement; or, A New Way to Get a Husband

Entertainment: MonologuesEnd IV: The late King of Prussia and General Ziethen-Lee Lewes; End: A Whimsical Dissertation upon Law-Lee Lewes