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Mainpiece Title: 'tis All A Farce

Role: Sailors Actor: Ledger, Linton, Whitmore

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: Sighs


Mainpiece Title: Ways And Means


Mainpiece Title: The London Hermit


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law


Mainpiece Title: The Jew


Mainpiece Title: Obi

Afterpiece Title: Sighs


Mainpiece Title: The London Hermit

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The Jew

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: Sighs

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Role: Sailors Actor: _Linton.

Afterpiece Title: The Castle of Sorrento

Song: As18000725


Mainpiece Title: The Point Of Honour

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The Point Of Honour

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The Young Quaker

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The Point Of Honour

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The Point Of Honour

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.

Song: III: a song-Trueman


Mainpiece Title: The London Hermit

Afterpiece Title: 'Tis All a Farce


Mainpiece Title: What A Blunder

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: What A Blunder

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The Point Of Honour

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: The London Hermit

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.


Mainpiece Title: Sighs

Afterpiece Title: The Review


Mainpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: A Song for Every Body

Afterpiece Title: Obi

Role: Chorus of Negro Men Actor: _Linton.