SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (46836, 46838, 46841, 46846, 46854, 46858, 46863, 46873, 46877, 46883, 46903, 46915, 46919, 46921, 46923, 46925, 46927, 46929, 46931, 46933, 46937, 46947, 46953, 46955, 46961, 46963, 46965, 46967, 46969, 46971, 46973, 46975, 46977, 46979, 46981, 46983, 46985, 46989, 46991, 46993, 46995, 46997, 46999, 47001, 47003, 47005, 47007, 47009, 47013, 47015, 47017, 47019, 47021, 47023, 47025, 47027, 47029, 47031, 47033, 47035, 47037, 47039, 47041, 47049, 47053, 47055, 47057, 47061, 47066, 47068, 47071, 47076, 47081, 47083, 47086, 47088, 47091, 47093, 47096, 47098, 47101, 47104, 47108, 47112, 47114, 47117, 47119, 47122, 47124, 47126, 47128, 47131, 47133, 47137, 47139, 47142, 47144, 47148, 47150, 47154, 47156, 47159, 47161, 47165, 47167, 47171, 47177, 47179, 47186, 47190, 47196, 47202, 47204, 47207, 47212, 47214, 47220, 47226, 47229, 47235, 47238, 47253, 47259, 47264, 47270, 47273, 47277, 47279, 47283, 47291, 47301, 47304, 47312, 47320, 47326, 47440, 47441, 47442, 47444, 47446, 47451, 47454, 47458, 47462, 47467, 47470, 47472, 47489, 47491, 47503, 47509, 47515, 47517, 47521, 47523, 47529, 47533, 47535, 47537, 47539, 47541, 47543, 47547, 47549, 47551, 47555, 47557, 47559, 47561, 47564, 47568, 47570, 47572, 47575, 47577, 47591, 47595, 47600, 47603, 47607, 47611, 47616, 47619, 47623, 47635, 47637, 47639, 47643, 47647, 47649, 47651, 47657, 47659, 47661, 47663, 47668, 47674, 47678, 47680, 47688, 47696, 47701, 47704, 47709, 47711, 47714, 47716, 47722, 47724, 47726, 47729, 47731, 47741, 47746, 47749, 47754, 47756, 47761, 47769, 47771, 47776, 47794, 47800, 47803, 47805, 47810, 47815, 47820, 47823, 47830, 47835, 47838, 47840, 47848, 47850, 47853, 47860, 47863, 47865, 47869, 47877, 47882, 47885, 47887, 47890, 47997, 48002, 48010, 48026, 48029, 48041, 48045, 48051, 48053, 48055, 48057, 48061, 48062, 48064, 48066, 48068, 48070, 48072, 48074, 48076, 48078, 48080, 48082, 48084, 48086, 48093, 48095, 48097, 48099, 48105, 48111, 48113, 48115, 48117, 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Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Dermot Actor: Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of The World

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Dermot Actor: Incledon


Mainpiece Title: She Stoops To Conquer

Afterpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Cymon Actor: Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Role: Sandy Actor: Incledon

Afterpiece Title: Cross Purposes

Afterpiece Title: The Provocation


Mainpiece Title: The Duenna

Role: Carlos Actor: Incledon

Afterpiece Title: The Provocation


Mainpiece Title: Fontainbleau; Or, Our Way In France

Role: Lord Winlove Actor: Incledon

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Aluph Actor: Incledon

Afterpiece Title: Animal Magnetism


Mainpiece Title: The Duenna

Role: Carlos Actor: Incledon

Afterpiece Title: The Provocation


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Aluph Actor: Incledon

Afterpiece Title: The Follies of a Day


Mainpiece Title: Fontainbleau

Role: Lord Winlove Actor: Incledon

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels


Mainpiece Title: The German Hotel

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Dermot Actor: Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The German Hotel

Afterpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Cymon Actor: Incledon


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: In afterpiece: Dancing-Byrne, Mrs Goodwin


Mainpiece Title: The Wives Revenged

Afterpiece Title: The Dramatist

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: Rose And Colin

Afterpiece Title: The German Hotel

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123

Song: Johnstone, Incledon, Marshall, Rock, Blurton, Letteney, Lee, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Warrell, Miss Stuart, Mrs Watts, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Davenett, Mrs Powell, Miss Francis, Miss Lefevre, Mrs Cross, Mrs Gray, Mrs Masters, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: Florizel And Perdita

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: The Toy; Or, Hampton Court Frolics

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: The German Hotel

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: End I in V: As17901020; In afterpiece: Dancing, as17901123


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: Rose And Colin

Afterpiece Title: The German Hotel

Afterpiece Title: The Midnight Hour


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Dermot Actor: Incledon