SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (7887, 7890, 7919, 7922, 7938, 7940, 7942, 7944, 7948, 7954, 7978, 7991, 7994, 8006, 8029, 8031, 8033, 8035, 8037, 8039, 8041, 8053, 8088, 8101, 8103, 8108, 8138, 8141, 8152, 8177, 8181, 8206, 8216, 8252, 8329, 8347, 8349, 8358, 8364, 8366, 8368, 8370, 8375, 8390, 8393, 8395, 8397, 8403, 8405, 8419, 8422, 8431, 8433, 8518, 8582, 8603, 8606, 8609, 8615, 8646, 8686, 8689, 8735, 8738, 8745, 8748, 8777, 8791, 8793, 8822, 8830, 8833, 8836, 8884, 8886, 8888, 8935, 9064, 9246, 9249, 9280, 9353, 9361, 9382, 9407, 9409, 9411, 9498, 9557, 9565, 9643, 9752, 9789, 9793, 9802, 9809, 9841, 9861, 9870, 9874, 9887, 9892, 9899, 9902, 9910, 9918, 9920, 9947, 10047, 10076, 10137, 10289, 10326, 10333, 10361, 10362, 10365, 10368, 10369, 10372, 10385, 10394, 10395, 10426, 10434, 10447, 10455, 10457, 10484, 10513, 10572, 10586, 10612, 10615, 10623, 10632, 10670, 10679, 10682, 10685, 10689, 10692, 10695, 10698, 10704, 10710, 10717, 10723, 10730, 10734, 10737, 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Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode; Or, Sir Fopling Flutter

Role: Old Bellair Actor: Harper



Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Sir William Actor: Harper

Dance: Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; Drunken Peasant-Nivelon


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Heartwell Actor: Harper

Dance: Roger, Thurmond, Boval, Lally, Mrs Brett, Miss Tenoe, Rainton, Miss Robinson; La Folette-


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Cacofogo Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: Hob; or, The Country Wake

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, Polonese-Young Rainton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Sir Wilful Actor: Harper

Dance: MMyrtillo-


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Mrs Midnight Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Mrs Midnight Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Mrs Midnight Actor: Harper

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Mrs Midnight Actor: Harper

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Role: Antony Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: Hob; or, The Country Wake

Dance: As17250909


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Kite Actor: Harper

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre-


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Role: Antony Actor: Harper

Song: As17251208


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Lory Actor: Harper

Dance: Thurmond, Lally, Boval, Mrs Booth, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Walter, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; particularly Myrtillo-


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Mrs Midnight Actor: Harper

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Funeral

Role: Kate Actor: Harper.

Dance: Mr Sandham's Children, who never appeared on any Stage before; La Folette, as17250928


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband

Role: Sir Harry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Music: Between Acts: Select Pieces-

Dance: As17250909


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Bully Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Bully Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Bully Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Bully Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Bully Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Bully Actor: Harper

Song: Singing in Italian and English-Mrs Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Mrs Midnight Actor: Harper

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Merryman Actor: Harper

Music: Select Pieces-

Dance: Thurmond, Mrs Booth, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; particularly The Hussars-


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Sir Wilful Actor: Harper

Dance: Thurmond, Boval, Lally, Mrs Booth, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Walter, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; particularly Myrtillo-