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Mainpiece Title: The Indian Emperor

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus


Mainpiece Title: A Woman's Revenge

Role: Thinkwell Actor: Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Hob; or, The Country Wake

Dance: As17300103

Song: As17300101


Mainpiece Title: The Inconstant

Role: Petit Actor: Hallam

Dance: TThe Shepherd's Holiday-; Two Pierrots-

Song: As17300101


Mainpiece Title: Tunbridge Walks

Role: Woodcock Actor: Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Jealousy Deceived; or, The Amours of Harlequin


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Perriwinkle Actor: Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Jealousy Deceived


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Gravediggers Actor: Penkethman, Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Jealousy Deceived


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Gravediggers Actor: Penkethman, Hallam


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Antonio Actor: Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Jealousy Deceived; or, The Amours of Harlequin


Mainpiece Title: The Gamester

Role: Galloon Actor: Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Jealousy Deceived


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Gravediggers Actor: Penkethman, Hallam

Song: Miss Thornowets


Mainpiece Title: Don John

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Role: Deputy Actor: Hallam
Role: Deputy Stanmore Actor: Hallam

Dance: Wherein will be introduced The Moorish Dance-

Song: Miss Thornowets


Mainpiece Title: Hurlothrumbo

Role: Darony Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Gravediggers Actor: Penkethman, Hallam

Song: As17300212

Dance: As17300212


Mainpiece Title: The Chesire Comicks; Or, The Amours Of Lord Flame


Mainpiece Title: The Half Pay Officers

Role: Mackmorris Actor: Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Flora


Mainpiece Title: Love And Revenge

Role: Heartfree Actor: Hallam

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Dance: DDutch Skipper, Running Footman's Dance-Davenport


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Role: Deputy Actor: Hallam
Role: Deputy Stanmore Actor: Hallam

Dance: MMoorish Dance-Burny, Sandham, Eaton, Miss Sandham, Mrs Thomas

Song: Miss Thornowets


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce; With The Pleasures Of The Town

Role: Poet Actor: Hallam
Role: Dash Actor: Hallam
Role: Murdertext Actor: Hallam
Role: Poet Actor: W. Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Role: Poet Actor: Hallam
Role: Dash Actor: Hallam
Role: Murdertext Actor: Hallam
Role: Poet Actor: W. Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Role: Poet Actor: Hallam
Role: Dash Actor: Hallam
Role: Murdertext Actor: Hallam
Role: Poet Actor: W. Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Dance: The last new Dance, The English Medley by Roger-Roger, Mrs Booth, others