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Mainpiece Title: The Gamester

Role: Betsy Actor: Mrs Forrester.

Afterpiece Title: The Walking Statue; or, The Devil in the Wine-Cellar

Song: Ballad@Dialogue in the Characters of a Rake and a Country Milk-Maid-Walker, Mrs Cantrell

Dance: HHighlander and his Mistress-Salle, Mrs Laguerre; Two Pierrots-Nivelon, Poitier


Mainpiece Title: Orestes

Song: Vocal Parts-Leveridge, Laguerre, Rochetti, Salway, Mrs Wright, Mrs Carter, Mrs Cantrel

Dance: Salle, Nivelon, DuPre, Poitier, Glover, Newhouse, Pelling, DuPre Jr, Salle, Mrs Laguerre, Mrs Pelling, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Ogden, Miss LaTour


Mainpiece Title: Orestes


Mainpiece Title: Orestes


Mainpiece Title: Orestes


Mainpiece Title: Orestes


Mainpiece Title: Orestes


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: The Judgment of Paris; or, The Triumph of Beauty

Role: Pallas Actor: Mrs Forrester

Dance: SShepherds and Shepherdesses by Nivelon-Nivelon, Newhouse, Pelling, Dupre Jr, Mrs Laguerre, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Ogden, Miss LaTour; Chacone-Dupre, Mrs Pelling


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Polly Actor: Mrs Forrester.

Dance: HHighlander and his Wife-Salle, Mrs Laguerre; Saraband-Glover, Miss LaTour


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Myrtilla Actor: Mrs Forrester

Entertainment: In: The Masqueraders-Salle, DuPre, Glover, Pelling, Newhouse, Laguerre, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Ogden, Miss LaTour, Miss Wherrit


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Myrtilla Actor: Mrs Forrester

Entertainment: In: The Masqueraders, as17311102


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Forrester

Dance: HHornpipe (by Desire)-Jones


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: The Performers are to be in the following Characters. The Harpsichord-Colombine; Violoncello-Harlequin; Bassoon-Scaramouch; Double Bass-Pierot; Singing-Diana, an Indian King; Violins-a Spaniard, a Roman, an Hungarian, a Persian, a Turk, a Polander, an Arabian, a Muscovite; the Tenor-a Highlander; the German Flute-a Satyr; French Horns-Foresters; Hautboys-two Shepherds; others. The Concert of Performers will consist of between 40 and 50 of the best Hands

Role: French Horns Actor: Foresters


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Forrester

Dance: HHornpipe-Jones


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: The Sequel to the Opera of Flora; or, Hob's Wedding

Role: Mary Actor: Mrs Forrester

Dance: new Wooden Shoe Dance by Nivelon-Nivelon, Mrs Laguerre; Afterpiece:A new Dance-Nivelon for the Afterpiece


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Tho' Strange, tis True; or Love's Vagaries

Dance: Salle, Nivelon, Mrs Legar


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Role: Phillida Actor: Mrs Forrester.

Dance: III: Hornpipe-Jones; IV: Fingalian-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden; V: Highlander and his Mistress-Salle, Miss Laguerre


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Sequel to the Opera of Flora; or Hob's Wedding

Role: Mary Actor: Mrs Forrester

Dance: TThe Baulk-Salle, Mrs Laguerre; Grand Dance in Momus-


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Dainty Actor: Mrs Forrester.

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: TTwo Pierrots-Poitier, Nivelon; Fingalian-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan; Or, The Unhappy Marriage

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Myrtilla Actor: Mrs Forester

Dance: PPeasant-Nivelon; Tollet's Grounds-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden; Saraband-Glover, Miss LaTour


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: King Lear And His Three Daughters

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne