SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (43571, 43576, 43600, 43764, 43783, 43788, 43794, 43811, 43823, 43848, 43855, 43882, 43899, 44047, 44057, 44071, 44104, 44112, 44116, 44128, 44132, 44136, 44138, 44140, 44142, 44144, 44146, 44148, 44150, 44152, 44156, 44158, 44160, 44162, 44164, 44177, 44185, 44187, 44189, 44197, 44238, 44255, 44271, 44318, 44321, 44381, 44393, 44423, 44428, 44473, 44594, 44671, 44714, 44716, 44718, 44722, 44725, 44734, 44742, 44747, 44777, 44786, 44793, 44798, 44800, 44804, 44807, 44814, 44818, 44821, 44829, 44830, 44838, 44839, 44842, 44851, 44855, 44865, 44869, 44875, 44878, 44879, 44882, 44883, 44890, 44894, 44902, 44906, 44910, 44914, 44926, 44933, 44935, 44943, 44948, 44985, 44988, 44997, 45003, 45010, 45019, 45026, 45034, 45142, 45144, 45148, 45151, 45155, 45157, 45161, 45163, 45168, 45170, 45173, 45175, 45181, 45185, 45187, 45189, 45191, 45193, 45197, 45199, 45201, 45205, 45209, 45215, 45217, 45221, 45223, 45225, 45227, 45233, 45235, 45237, 45239, 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Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Role: Giles Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior

Dance: End I: The Capricious Lovers, as17870920


Mainpiece Title: The Fate Of Sparta

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum


Mainpiece Title: Redemption 0 (selected From The Great And Favoprite Works Of handel That Were Performed At His commemoration In Westminster Abbeyv, And At The pantheon [on 26 And 27 May 1784])

Afterpiece Title: Redemption 1

Music: End II: a new concerto on the hautboy-Parke


Mainpiece Title: The Fate Of Sparta

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The Messiah; Redemption 0


Mainpiece Title: Alexander's Feast 0; Redemption 0

Afterpiece Title: Alexander's Feast 3 [i


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Hawthorn Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior

Dance: End II: The Conjugal Frolick-the young D'Egvilles, Miss Blanchet, Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: Acis And Galatea 0; Redemption 0

Afterpiece Title: Acis and Galatea 3 [i


Mainpiece Title: Love In The East; Or, Adventures Of Twelve Hours

Role: Stanmore Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage


Mainpiece Title: Love In The East

Role: Stanmore Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs


Mainpiece Title: Judas Maccabaeus; Redemption 0


Mainpiece Title: Love In The East

Role: Stanmore Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist


Mainpiece Title: Love In The East

Role: Stanmore Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: Acis And Galatea 0; Redemption 0

Afterpiece Title: Acis and Galatea 3 [i


Mainpiece Title: Love In The East

Role: Stanmore Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Dance: End I afterpiece: The Irish Fair-Mills, Miss J. Stageldoir


Mainpiece Title: The Prodigal Son; Redemption 0

Music: End II: concerto on French Horn-Ponto


Mainpiece Title: Love In The East

Role: Stanmore Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: The Minor


Mainpiece Title: Judas Maccabaeus; Redemption 0

Music: As17880307

Song: In Part III: The Soldier tired of War's Alarms-Mme Mara


Mainpiece Title: The Messiah; Redemption 0

Song: End Part I: a very capital Song-Mme Mara

Music: As17880307


Mainpiece Title: George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior

Song: As17870925


Mainpiece Title: A New Way To Pay Old Debts

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: Love In The East

Role: Stanmore Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior