SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (15754, 15786, 15868, 15994, 16026, 16046, 16183, 16295, 16323, 16462, 16549, 28865, 28870, 28872, 28875, 28880, 28886, 28892, 28897, 28903, 28909, 28916, 28923, 28965, 29020, 29238, 29240, 29245, 29247, 29249, 29263, 29279, 29283, 29288, 29307, 29313, 29323, 29328, 29347, 29458, 29509, 29918, 30037, 30056, 30064, 30074, 30089, 30099, 30101, 30107, 30112, 30117, 30131, 30146, 30150, 30154, 30286, 30288, 30291, 30295, 30299, 30307, 30309, 30311, 30315, 30321, 30323, 30329, 30337, 30374, 30385, 30388, 30390, 30395, 30408, 30410, 30413, 30415, 30420, 30429, 30432, 30450, 30452, 30475, 30479, 30561, 30566, 30575, 30670, 30686, 30690, 30695, 30699, 30779, 30787, 30793, 30801, 30808, 30814, 30852, 30878, 30880, 30882, 30900, 30916, 30928, 30930, 30933, 30935, 30937, 30940, 30944, 30947, 30950, 30954, 30966, 30983, 30987, 31003, 31015, 31057, 31066, 31074, 31076, 31102, 31112, 31158, 31187, 31197, 31203, 31216, 31225, 31279, 31333, 31335, 31344, 31368, 31370, 31372, 31374, 31378, 31389, 31391, 31395, 31397, 31399, 31432, 31491, 31542, 31556, 31611, 31614, 31620, 31703, 31705, 31718, 31747, 31753, 31761, 31767, 31773, 31825, 31829, 31831, 31835, 31837, 31839, 31847, 31869, 31885, 31887, 31891, 31965, 31985, 31987, 31989, 31991, 31993, 31995, 31998, 32000, 32003, 32005, 32007, 32009, 32012, 32014, 32017, 32019, 32021, 32023, 32026, 32028, 32030, 32032, 32034, 32036, 32039, 32041, 32045, 32047, 32049, 32051, 32054, 32057, 32059, 32061, 32063, 32066, 32068, 32078, 32083, 32088, 32090, 32095, 32097, 32102, 32106, 32114, 32131, 32211, 32219, 32224, 32231, 32235, 32238, 32247, 32258, 32264, 41907, 44888, 45952, 47666, 51022) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Henry Iv, Part I

Role: Worcester Actor: Dawson

Afterpiece Title: The Tavern Bilkers

Dance: Dutch Skipper by Vallois and Mrs Bullock. Friendly losses by Miss Wherrit and Miss Sandham.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: King Actor: Dawson

Music: Vocal and Instrumental, incident to the Play. The Vocal Parts by Leveridge, Laguerre, Salway, Mrs Wright, Mrs Saunderson, Mrs Cantrel, Miss Norsa

Dance: Proper to the Play by Poitier, Du Pre, Pelling, Newhouse, Le Sac, De la Garde, Du Pre Jr


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: King Actor: Dawson

Music: As17331011

Dance: As17331011, but Glover replaces Poitier. Also The Nassau (new) by Glover, Miss Rogers, Pelling, Mrs Pelling, Le Sac, Mrs Ogden, De la Garde, Miss Baston


Mainpiece Title: Troilus And Cressida; Or, Truth Found Too Late

Role: Nestor Actor: Dawson

Dance: By Maker and Mlle Salle


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: King Actor: Dawson

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Music: Vocal parts by Leveridge, Laguerre, Salway, Mrs Wright, Miss Norsa

Dance: By Dupre, Pelling, Newhouse, Dupre Jr, Le Sac, De la Garde


Mainpiece Title: Tro1lus And Cress1da

Role: Nestor Actor: Dawson

Dance: By Malter and Mlle Salle


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: King Actor: Dawson

Music: Vocal Parts by Leveridge, Rochetti, Laguerre, Salway, Mrs Wright, Mrs Sanderson, Miss Norsa

Dance: As17340101


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: King Actor: Dawson

Music: As17340213

Dance: As17340101 Also The Nassau, as17340311 Pigmalion, as17340114 French Sailor and his Lass by Malter and Mlle Salle


Mainpiece Title: Timon Of Athens

Role: Cleon Actor: Dawson

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: II: French Sailor and his Lass by Maker and Mlle Salle. III: Scots Dance, as17331004

Song: In II: Dialogue between a Courtier and Farmer's Wife, as17340318 IV: Dialogue by Leveridge and Mrs Wright


Mainpiece Title: Timon Of Athens

Role: Cleon Actor: Dawson

Music: Handel's Water Musick, as17340514

Dance: I: Tambourine, as17340504. III: Swedish Dal Karl by Delagarde and Mrs Ogden. IV: Two Pierrots by Pelling and Le Sac. V: Les Amans Conssentants, as17340508

Song: II: By Leveridge and Mrs Wright


Mainpiece Title: Don John; Or, The Libertine Destroy'd

Role: Pedro's Ghost Actor: Dawson

Afterpiece Title: The Barren Island; or, Petticoat Government

Dance: French Peasant by Vallois and Miss Rogers. A new Pantomime Dance: The Force of Inclination: Sailors-Vallois, Clark, Woodward, Bencraft, Smith; Amazonians-Miss Rogers, Miss Mann, Mrs Vallois, Miss Tollett, Miss Norman