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Mainpiece Title: Sir Mannerly; Or, The Country Wit


Mainpiece Title: The Sullen Lovers; Or, The Impertinents, With The Humours Of Sir Positive At-all


Mainpiece Title: The Different Widows; Or, Intrigue A La Mode

Role: Sir James Bellmont Actor: Powell


Mainpiece Title: Abra Mule; Or, love And Empire

Role: Solymon Actor: Powell


Mainpiece Title: Liberty Asserted

Role: Beaufort Actor: Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Albion Queens; Or, The Death Of Mary, Queen Of Scotland

Role: Cecil Actor: Powell, Keene


Mainpiece Title: Love At First Sight

Role: Lovewell Actor: Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Role: Ford Actor: Powell

Dance: duRuel, Cherrier, Mrs duRuel


Mainpiece Title: Volpone

Role: Volpone Actor: Powell


Dance: To be expressed in the Bills


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Role: Prospero Actor: Powell.

Music: With the Original Music-Leveridge

Dance: As17040613


Mainpiece Title: The Fond Husband; Or, The Plotting Sisters

Role: Rashly Actor: Powell.

Dance: duRuel, Mrs duRuel; Cyclops Dance (from Psyche), in which Monsieur Cherrier perform'd the Part of Vulcan with great Applause-

Song: Singing In Italian and English-Mrs del'Epine; particularly Henry Purcell's O lead me to some peaceful Gloom-


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Role: Lord Morelove Actor: Powell


Mainpiece Title: Farewell Folly; Or, The Younger The Wiser

Role: Mrs Lodgem Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: The Indian Emperor; Or, The Conquest Of Mexico By The Spaniards

Role: Cortez Actor: Powell.

Song: The new Italian Boy



Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband; Or, The Accomplish'd Fools

Role: Aunt Actor: Mrs Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Cares Of Love; Or, A Night's Adventure

Role: Beltran Actor: Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Northern Lass

Role: Mrs Trainwell Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Plume Actor: Powell.

Song: Italian Songs, Sonatas, Dialogues-Leveridge, Mrs Lindsey

Dance: The new dance performed at Court on Her Majesty's birthday-duRuel, others; Three French Peasants-deBarques, others


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Plume Actor: Powell.

Song: Leveridge, others

Music: Instrumental Music-the best Masters

Dance: duRuel, Cherrier, Miss Santlow, others


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Lady Bountiful Actor: Mrs Powell


Mainpiece Title: Sir Solomon Single

Role: Peregrine Actor: Powell

Song: As17070204

Dance: duRuel, Cherrier, Debargues, Miss Santlow, Mrs Evans


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple; Or, A Trip To The Jubilee

Role: Lady Darling Actor: Mrs Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Lady Darling Actor: Mrs Powell


Mainpiece Title: The City Heiress; Or, Sir Timothy Treatall

Role: Mrs Clacket Actor: Mrs Powell.


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Engine Actor: Mrs Powell.