SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1136, 1402, 1479, 1494, 1522, 1523, 1539, 1711, 1713, 1737, 1746, 1747, 1765, 1769, 1779, 1780, 1794, 1820, 1825, 11193, 11229, 11257, 11260, 11262, 11289, 11317, 11356, 11360, 11399, 11407, 11446, 11463, 11466, 11496, 11501, 11508, 11651, 11708, 11721, 11735, 11772, 11801, 11808, 11810, 11812, 11823, 11904, 11909, 11936, 11938, 11941, 11994, 12076, 12096, 12110, 12169, 12188, 12201, 12221, 12244, 12323, 12333, 12339, 12568, 12580, 12596, 12621, 12642, 12663, 12666, 12699, 12735, 12744, 12774, 12778, 12781, 12783, 12807, 12811, 12813, 12842, 12860, 12874, 12885, 12891, 12936, 12938, 13006, 13010, 13074, 13204, 13275, 13313, 13349, 13580, 13616, 13619, 13624, 13631, 13743, 13758, 13909, 14008, 14112, 14119, 14140, 14156, 14172, 14184, 14199, 14252, 14274, 14283, 14284, 14285, 14289, 14290, 14293, 14294, 14297, 14300, 14301, 14302, 14303, 14313, 14316, 14319, 14325, 14341, 14345, 14361, 14364, 14373, 14380, 14384, 14391, 14392, 14395, 14416, 14426, 14432, 14436, 14456, 14463, 14506, 14528, 14535, 14538, 14541, 14544, 14553, 14556, 14642, 14681, 14696, 14699, 14703, 14707, 14711, 14712, 14716, 14720, 14724, 14734, 14745, 14750, 14760, 14776, 14859, 14910, 14913, 14917, 14946, 14966, 14977, 15002, 15006, 15008, 15012, 15041, 15046, 15058, 15079, 15088, 15114, 15127, 15131, 15152, 15169, 15184, 15208, 15210, 15213, 15216, 15230, 15291, 15300, 15307, 15313, 15333, 15336, 15339, 15345, 15361, 15371, 15394, 15399, 15413, 15451, 15498, 15517, 15526, 15546, 15563, 15566, 15577, 15584, 15586, 15601, 15604, 15607, 15618, 15649, 15756, 15761, 15766, 15770, 15775, 15777, 15780, 15792, 15800, 15806, 15809, 15812, 15817, 15820, 15836, 15843, 15856, 15859, 15866, 15874, 15883, 15886, 15889, 15894, 15909, 15913, 15918, 15922, 15930, 15937, 15941, 15948, 15952, 15969, 15973, 15979, 15987, 15993, 16001, 16007, 16011, 16019, 16028, 16032, 16036, 16043, 16048, 16057, 16061, 16067, 16073, 16077, 16087, 16104, 16110, 16121, 16128, 16132, 16141, 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Mainpiece Title: The Contrivances; Or, More Ways Than One

Role: Arethusa Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Walking Statue; or, The Devil in the Wine Cellar

Afterpiece Title: Phebe; or, The Beggar's Wedding

Dance: HHarlequin-Master Lally, Miss Brett; Sultana-Miss Robinson Jr


Mainpiece Title: The Contrivances

Role: Arethusa Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Walking Statue

Afterpiece Title: Phebe

Song: Dialogue between Milk@Maid and Gentleman-Rainton, Miss Raftor; Dialogue between Rake and Widow-Rainton, Tenoe

Dance: VVenetian Dance between a Gondolier and Courtezan-Master Lally, Miss Brett; Harlequin-Master Lally, Miss Brett; Sultana-Miss Robinson Jr


Mainpiece Title: Whig And Tory; Or, The Double Deceit

Role: Aminta Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Country Wedding



Mainpiece Title: Whig And Tory

Role: Aminta Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: Phebe

Music: Between Play and Opera: a Piece of Musick on the Violin-Clarke; accompany'd Harpsichord-Magnes; Also a Voluntary-Magnes alone, being the first Time of his Performance in Publick


Mainpiece Title: Whig And Tory

Role: Aminta Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Country Wedding

Music: As17290729



Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Araminta Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Dance: SSpanish Dance-Lally, Essex, others; Muzette-Master Lally, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Sir Courtly Nice; Or, It Cannot Be

Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Lovers Opera

Music: Between the Acts: Select Pieces-


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage; Or, The Innocent Adultery

Role: Julia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Alithea Actor: Mrs Butler

Dance: -RRoger, Essex, Lally, Rainton, Young Lally, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Aureng-zebe; Or, The Great Mogul

Role: Zayda Actor: Mrs Butler.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy and Poor Pierrot Married


Mainpiece Title: Aureng-zebe

Role: Zayda Actor: Mrs Butler.


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Araminta Actor: Mrs Butler

Music: Between the Acts: Select Pieces-

Dance: Roger, Essex, Lally, Rainton, Houghton, Master Lally, Miss Robinson, Miss Brett


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode; Or, Sir Fopling Flutter

Role: Lady Townly Actor: Mrs Butler



Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler


Mainpiece Title: Sir Courtly Nice

Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda


Mainpiece Title: Bayes's Opera

Role: Arabella Actor: Mrs Butler


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Role: Lady Townly Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Dance: Rover, Essex, Lally, Rainton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Situp Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Araminta Actor: Mrs Butler

Music: Between the Acts: Select Pieces-

Dance: Roger, Essex, Rainton, Mlle Delorme, Mrs Walter; particularly The Matelots, Dutch Boor and his Frou-


Mainpiece Title: Greenwich Park; Or, The Merry Citizens

Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Butler

Dance: Roger, Thurmond, Essex, Lally, Rainton, Houghton, Mlle Delorme, Mrs Walter, Miss Robinson; Particularly a Grand Chacone, a new Comic Dance-


Mainpiece Title: Greenwich Park

Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Wedding

Dance: As17301010


Mainpiece Title: Greenwich Park

Role: Violante Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Dance: As17301010


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal; Or, The Humours Of The Navy

Role: Belinda Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: The Country Wedding and Skimmington


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode; Or, Sir Fopling Flutter

Role: Emilia Actor: Mrs Butler

Afterpiece Title: Patie and Peggy