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52499, 52504, 52511) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: A Cure For The Heart Ache

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: A Cure For The Heart Ache

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: A Cure For The Heart Ache

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, A Sick Lady's Cure

Afterpiece Title: Duke and No Duke; or, Trapolin's Vagaries


Mainpiece Title: A Cure For The Heart Ache

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: Wives As They Were, And Maids As They Are

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett


Mainpiece Title: Abroad And At Home

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: The Mask'd Friend

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Role: Annette Actor: Miss Burnett

Song: The Mid Watch, The Storm-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Mask'd Friend

Afterpiece Title: The Folly of Age; or, The Accomplished Lady

Role: Maid Actor: Miss Burnett

Afterpiece Title: Barataria

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Medley

Dance: In 2nd piece: A la Parisot, Le Pas Russe-Delpini

Song: In 2nd piece: La Verginella, My dear Molly@oh! what Folly (composed by Carter)-Delpini

Entertainment: Vaudeville. In 4th piece: The Farm Yard- (from The Rape of Proserpine), with the Birth of Harlequin, and his Emancipation from the Egg Shell; The favorite Scene from Aladin of Pantaloon's Death-, and the Whimsical Lamentation of Pierrot; A Jump through a Hogshead of Fire-; and the celebrated Dying and Skeleton Scenes-


Mainpiece Title: A Cure For The Heart Ache

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Oberon; or, The Chace to Gretna