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52499, 52504, 52511) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Opera Of Operas



Mainpiece Title: The Opera Of Operas

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow; Or, The Wanton Wife

Role: Lady Laycock Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Opera of Operas

Dance: In Afterpiece: Les Bergeries, as17331108


Mainpiece Title: Henry Iv, Part I

Role: Hostess Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Opera of Operas

Dance: Wattcau by Miss Robinson. La Bagatelle by Essex and Miss La Tour


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favourite

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris; With Harlequin Grand Volgi


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Wishwell Actor: Miss Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Opera of Operas

Dance: As17331112


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Viiith

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Role: Mrs Day Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Opera of Operas

Dance: Tambourine by Miss Robinson. Whim by F. Tench and Miss Mann


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Dance: Scotish Dance, as17330922 The Nassau, as17331112


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Dance: La Badine by Lally Sr, Mlle Grognet, &c. A new Dutch Dance by Le Brun and Miss Mears


Mainpiece Title: Henry Iv, Part Ii

Role: Hostess Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Dance: V: Mock Minuet, as17331027

Song: II: O Care Parollette by Miss Arne. IV: Vorei Poterti Amar by Miss Arne


Mainpiece Title: Timon Of Athens; Or, The Man-hater

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Dance: Dutch Dance by Le Brun and Miss Mears. English Maggot by Lally Jr and Mrs Walter


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Role: Widow Lackit Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: The Punches by F. Tench and Janno. La Bagetelle by Essex and Miss La Tour


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest; Or, The Enchanted Island

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: Harlot's Process

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dr Faustus

Dance: La Badine by Lally Sr, Mlle Grognet, &c


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Music: Second Musick: 6th Concerto of the 1st Opera of Geminiani. Third Musick: Overture for Admetus by Handel. II: Se met turbo, a Song in Porus, on the Flute Traverse. IV: Concerto for Two Hautboys composed by Dr Pepusch

Dance: I: La Bagatelle by Essex and Miss Latour. III: Les Bergeries by Essex, Miss Robinson, F. Tench, Holt, Miss Mann, Miss Brett. In V: Mock Minuet, as17331027


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet