SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (270, 367, 935, 946, 950, 975, 996, 1022, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1278, 1284, 1296, 1303, 1318, 1337, 2034, 2538, 4445, 4711, 4745, 4748, 4820, 4823, 4836, 4839, 4853, 4869, 4913, 4927, 4939, 4973, 5132, 5134, 5141, 5145, 5150, 5154, 5161, 7072, 7098, 7335, 7494, 9219, 9264, 9329, 9555, 10012, 11716, 11798, 11827, 11833, 11835, 11837, 11842, 11846, 11856, 11858, 11943, 11978, 11997, 12093, 12104, 12152, 12164, 12231, 12233, 12238, 12252, 12255, 12300, 12329, 12331, 12353, 12362, 12365, 12383, 12393, 12397, 12399, 12401, 12402, 12405, 12408, 12411, 12413, 12416, 12418, 12419, 12421, 12424, 12426, 12429, 12430, 12432, 12433, 12435, 12436, 12439, 12441, 12446, 12448, 12449, 12451, 12453, 12455, 12457, 12459, 12464, 12466, 12468, 12470, 12473, 12494, 12495, 12505, 12543, 12550, 12564, 12566, 12572, 12629, 12657, 12678, 12691, 12708, 12724, 12729, 12732, 12739, 12744, 12754, 12764, 12774, 12778, 12781, 12783, 12787, 12793, 12802, 12805, 12807, 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52499, 52504, 52511) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Caelia; Or, The Perjur'd Lover

Role: Wag Actor: Mrs Shireburn


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Country Revels

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Restor'd

Dance: HHornpipe-LeBrun; Fingalian (not performed these ten years)-Sant, formerly known by the name of the Chesire Boy


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Country Revels

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Restor'd

Dance: As17321218


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest; Or, The Inchanted Island

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: Don John; Or, The Libertine Destroy'd

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Foible Actor: Mrs Shireburn.

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Role: Lady Woodvil Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: Houghton, Mrs Walter, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet

Dance: Mr Sant, being the last Time of his performing this Season


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Role: Lady Woodvil Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: LLe Watteau-Miss Robinson; English Maggot-Haughton, Mrs Walter; Spanish Entry-Lally, Essex, Haughton, Lally Jr, Tench; Grand Dance of Moors-Essex, Lally, Haughton, Lally Jr, Tench, Mrs Walter, Mrs D'Lorme, Miss Mears, Miss Man


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband

Role: Mrs Tipkin Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: As17330125


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Foible Actor: Mrs Shireburn.

Afterpiece Title: The Boarding School Romps



Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Judgment of Paris


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Parly Actor: Mrs Shireburn.

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Officer; or, The Captain's Lady

Dance: Denoyer, Mrs Booth, Essex, Miss Robinson, Haughton, Mrs Walter


Mainpiece Title: The Albion Queens

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress; or, The Ridotto Al' Fresco: With a Grand Masque call'd, The Judgment of Paris; or, The Triumph of Beauty

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Role: Cleone Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Role: Chinese Guards Actor: Jones, Wright, Grey, Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Mrs Sealand Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: DDrunken Peasant-LeBrun; Dutchwoman-Miss Robinson; French Gardiner-Haughton, Mrs Walter

Music: II: Solo of Corelli's on Violin-Charke


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Imaginary Cuckolds


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Role: Keeper Actor: Burnet


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband

Role: Mrs Tipkin Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: Damon And Phillida

Dance: I: Drunken Peasant-LeBrun; II: The Watteau-Miss Robinson; V: Les Bergeries-Essex, Haughton, Miss Robinson

Song: IV: A New Dialogue-Stoppelaer, Miss Raftor in the Characters of a Town Spark and a CountrY Lass