SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (3178, 9037, 9280, 9819, 9841, 9846, 9847, 9849, 9853, 9870, 9874, 9956, 9976, 9979, 9981, 10048, 10169, 10232, 10236, 10257, 10282, 10293, 10325, 10344, 10438, 10456, 10469, 10679, 10682, 10685, 10689, 10692, 10695, 10698, 10704, 10710, 10717, 10723, 10730, 10734, 10737, 10742, 10747, 10752, 10762, 10763, 10914, 10919, 11063, 11066, 11068, 11070, 11072, 11075, 11077, 11103, 11106, 11121, 11124, 11126, 11129, 11131, 11134, 11136, 11138, 11140, 11143, 11145, 11148, 11151, 11154, 11157, 11160, 11163, 11168, 11174, 11179, 11185, 11190, 11197, 11203, 11212, 11216, 11219, 11223, 11226, 11254, 11295, 11364, 11371, 11382, 11384, 11389, 11404, 11410, 11414, 11459, 11461, 11467, 11474, 11499, 11506, 11515, 11517, 11522, 11524, 11526, 11529, 11531, 11533, 11536, 11538, 11542, 11544, 11547, 11549, 11552, 11554, 11557, 11560, 11562, 11566, 11568, 11571, 11579, 11598, 11599, 11634, 11636, 11639, 11642, 11645, 11647, 11654, 11659, 11667, 11672, 11679, 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Mainpiece Title: Rope Dancing

Entertainment: By the most Famous Rope Dancers of Europe; who perform such strange and surprising Things on the Dancing Rope, as are incredible to relate; with great Variety of Encomparable fine Tumbling, Walking on the Slack Rope, Vaulting-; far surpassing all that has ever yet been seen. Together with the diverting Entertainments of your Old Friend Pickle Herring-, the chief of all his imitating Brethren


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Fools

Role: Mirabel Actor: Mrs Bret


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Rose Actor: Mrs Brett.

Dance: Harper's Drunken Man-Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Lucia Actor: Mrs Brett.

Dance: Shaw, Mrs Booth, Mrs Younger


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Role: Hippolito Actor: Mrs Brett.

Song: Singing in Italian-Miss Lindar, being the 2d Time of her Singing upon any Stage; Dear Pretty Youth-

Music: Solo on Little Pipe-Baston

Dance: Dancing after the Turkish Manner, as it was perform'd by the Kister Aga and the Eunuchs of the Seraglio, for the Diversion of the Grand Signior at the last Bairam Feast-


Mainpiece Title: Sir Thomas Overbury

Role: Isabella Actor: Mrs Bret
Role: Epilogue by Aaron Hill Actor: Mrs Bret.


Mainpiece Title: Sir Thomas Overbury; Who Was Poison'd In The Tower, In The Reign Of King James The First

Role: Isabella Actor: Mrs Bret


Mainpiece Title: Sir Thomas Overbury; Who Was Poison'd In The Tower, In The Reign Of King James The First

Role: Isabella Actor: Mrs Bret


Mainpiece Title: An Historical Tragedy Of The Civil Wars Between The Houses Of York And Lancaster In The Reign Of King Henry The Vith

Role: Lady Anne Actor: Mrs Brett


Mainpiece Title: A Wife To Be Let

Role: Amadea Actor: Mrs Brett

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: The Impertinent Lovers; Or, A Coquet At Her Wits End

Role: Angleina Actor: Mrs Bret

Afterpiece Title: Acis and Galatea


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Role: Alinda Actor: Mrs Bret.

Song: Mrs Chambers

Dance: Drunken Swiss-Nivelon; Running Footman's Dance-Nivelon, Mrs Rogeir; The Humours of Bedlam-


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Role: Alinda Actor: Mrs Bret.

Song: As17231116

Dance: Drunken Swiss-Nivelon Jr; Running Footman's Dance-Nivelon Sr

Ballet: The Humours of Bedlam. Mad Taylor-Nivelon Sr; Mad Dancing Master-Glover; Mad Gamester-Pelling; Mad Soldier-Nivelon Jr; Mad Astrologer-Lanyam; Mad Lady-Mrs Rogeir


Mainpiece Title: Like To Like; Or, A Match Well Made

Role: Annophil Actor: Mrs Bret

Dance: Two Pierrots-Nivelons; French Peasant-Nivelon Sr, Mrs Rogeir


Mainpiece Title: Like To Like

Role: Annophil Actor: Mrs Bret

Dance: As17231128


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Role: Alinda Actor: Mrs Bret.

Song: As17231116

Dance: As17231127

Ballet: The Humours of Bedlam. As17231127


Mainpiece Title: Edwin

Role: Molloy Actor: Mrs Brett.


Mainpiece Title: A King And No King

Role: Panthea Actor: Mrs Brett.

Song: End II: Singing in Italian and English-Mrs Chambers; End III: The Tipling Philosophers-Leveridge

Dance: End I: Two Pierrots-Nivelons; End IV: Flag Dance-Nivelon Sr


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Cordelia Actor: Mrs Brett

Dance: Dupre, Nivelons, Glover, Mrs Rogeir, Mrs Wall, Mrs Ogden; particularly Flag Dance (after a new manner)-Nivelon Sr

Song: Leveridge, Salway, Mrs Chambers


Mainpiece Title: Belisarius

Role: Almira Actor: Mrs Brett
Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Brett.


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Role: Alinda Actor: Mrs Bret.

Dance: French Peasant, Running Footman-Nivelon Sr, Mrs Rogeir; Myrtillo-

Ballet: The Humours of Bedlam. As17231127, but Mad Soldier-Dupre


Mainpiece Title: Don Sebastian, King Of Portugal

Role: A New Epilogue Actor: Mrs Brett.

Dance: Nivelon Sr, Mrs Brett; Flag Dance, Wooden Shoe Dance-Nivelon Sr


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Cordelia Actor: Mrs Brett

Dance: Glover, Newhouse, Lanyon, Mrs Rogier, Mrs Wall, Mrs Ogden; particularly Tollet's Ground-Newhouse, Mrs Rogier; Shepherd and Shepherdess-Glover, Mrs Wall; Peasant-Lanyom, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Teresia Actor: Mrs Brett

Music: Three Pieces-; End I: particularly a Piece with French Horns-

Dance: End II: Louvre-Mrs Wall; III: French Peasant-Lanyon, Mrs Ogden; IV: Saraband-Glover, Mrs Wall; V: Dutch Boor-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Teresa Actor: Mrs Brett

Afterpiece Title: Amadis