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Mainpiece Title: The Gamester

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard

Role: Beda Actor: Mrs Bland


Mainpiece Title: The East Indian

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Role: Josephine Actor: Mrs Bland.


Mainpiece Title: The East Indian

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Role: Sally Shamrock Actor: Mrs Bland.


Mainpiece Title: The East Indian

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Bland.


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Role: Miss Lucy Actor: Mrs Bland.

Song: As17991213


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Purse; or, Benevolent Tar

Role: Sally Actor: Mrs Bland.

Ballet: End: The Scotch Ghost. As17991217


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant; Or, George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard

Role: Beda Actor: Mrs Bland


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard

Role: Beda Actor: Mrs Bland

Dance: As17991019


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Role: Betsy Blossom Actor: Mrs Bland.

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Role: Sally Shamrock Actor: Mrs Bland.

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: The Stranger

Afterpiece Title: The Ring; or, Love Me for Myself

Music: As17991127

Dance: As17991127


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Role: Sally Shamrock Actor: Mrs Bland.

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Dorothy Actor: Mrs Bland

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Role: Josephine Actor: Mrs Bland.

Song: As17991122


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Role: Miss Lucy Actor: Mrs Bland.

Song: III: a song-Sedgwick

Ballet: End: The Scotch Ghost. As17991217


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Liar


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Wedding Day


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Wedding Day


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Pannel


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Prize


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Nigra Actor: Mrs Bland

Afterpiece Title: The Strangers at Home

Dance: In: a favorite Pas Seul-Sga Bossi DelCaro