SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (8408, 8447, 8454, 8460, 8477, 8564, 8708, 8779, 8974, 9051, 9580, 9658, 9977, 10446, 10507, 11074, 11176, 11853, 13947, 14126, 16237, 16454, 17163, 17254, 17558, 17726, 22316, 22319, 22325, 22331, 25289, 35350, 45167, 45176, 45200, 45214, 45220, 45224, 45228, 45230, 45234, 45238, 45246, 45250, 45255, 45260, 45264, 45266, 45276, 45295, 45300, 45312, 45314, 45319, 45321, 45340, 45349, 45378, 45381, 45386, 45397, 45403, 45407, 45420, 45425, 45429, 45436, 45438, 45442, 45444, 45456, 45459, 45466, 45472, 45475, 45477, 45487, 45500, 45504, 45506, 45509, 45519, 45521, 45537, 45552, 45562, 45579, 45584, 45698, 45719, 45724, 45727, 45729, 45745, 45763, 45765, 45767, 45769, 45771, 45777, 45787, 45795, 45803, 45809, 45813, 45825, 45831, 45833, 45838, 45840, 45842, 45844, 45846, 45848, 45850, 45852, 45854, 45856, 45858, 45860, 45862, 45864, 45866, 45869, 45874, 45876, 45878, 45883, 45890, 45892, 45894, 45899, 45902, 45904, 45906, 45909, 45911, 45914, 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Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Afterpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Ramille Actor: Bernard

Dance: As17881025


Mainpiece Title: The Child Of Nature

Afterpiece Title: A Bold Stroke for a Wife

Role: Sir Philip Modelove Actor: Bernard

Dance: As17880924


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: A Bold Stroke for a Wife

Role: Sir Philip Modelove Actor: Bernard

Dance: As17881107


Mainpiece Title: Artaxerxes

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Role: Sir Philip Modelove Actor: Bernard


Mainpiece Title: The Belle's Stratagem

Role: Flutter Actor: Bernard

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer


Mainpiece Title: The Prophet

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Role: Sir Philip Modelove Actor: Bernard


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Role: Lady Graveairs Actor: Mrs Bernard

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer


Mainpiece Title: Artaxerxes

Afterpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Ramille Actor: Bernard


Mainpiece Title: Fontainbleau

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Role: Sir Philip Modelove Actor: Bernard


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: Aladin; or, The Wonderful Lamp

Dance: In Afterpiece: Byrne, King, Ratchford, Mrs Watts, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Ratchford. [Included, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: Aladin


Mainpiece Title: The Roman Father

Role: Valeria Actor: Mrs Bernard

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Song: In V: a Roman Ovation-; Vocal Parts-Johnstone, Darley, Cubitt, Doyle, Bonville, Rock, Janson, Mrs Martyr, Mrs Mountain, Miss Stuart, Mrs Davenett, Mrs Watts, Mrs Gray, Miss Rowson, Miss Paye, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Kennedy


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man; Or, The Fop's Fortune

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Bernard

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Entertainment: Vaudeville In Irish Fair: [scene in afterpiece] [will be introduced (for the 1st time) a Sparring Match-Humphreys, another celebrated Pugilist [Death (London Chronicle 31 Dec.)]


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Dance: End II: a new Negro Dance- [see17881022]


Mainpiece Title: The Comedy Of Errors

Role: Antipholis of Ephesus Actor: Bernard
Role: Adriana Actor: Mrs Bernard.

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Song: In III: a song in character-Mrs Kennedy


Mainpiece Title: Rose And Colin

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Role: Sir Philip Modelove Actor: Bernard

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Recruits Actor: Bernard, Blanchard
Role: Melinda Actor: Mrs Bernard

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Entertainment: Vaudeville Sparring Match-Mendoza, another celebrated Pugilist


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Dance: As17881107

Entertainment: Vaudeville As17890105


Mainpiece Title: Robin Hood

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Entertainment: Vaudeville As17890105


Mainpiece Title: The Hypocrite

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.


Mainpiece Title: The Duenna

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.


Mainpiece Title: Tancred And Sigismunda

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.

Entertainment: Monologue Preceding: an Occasional Prologue-Farren


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.


Mainpiece Title: The Farmer

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Role: Sir Philip Modelove Actor: Bernard

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: _Bernard.