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Mainpiece Title: The Noble Peasant

Role: Alice Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: The Genius of Nonsense

Role: Columbine Actor: Miss Morris

Song: As17840730


Mainpiece Title: Lionel And Clarissa

Afterpiece Title: A Peep into Elysium; or, Foote, Weston, and Shuter in the Shades

Monologue: 1784 08 10 End of interlude Joe Haynes's Epilogue, riding on an Ass, by Wilson


Mainpiece Title: The Noble Peasant

Role: Alice Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: Gretna Green

Role: Miss Plumb Actor: Miss Morris


Mainpiece Title: The Noble Peasant

Role: Alice Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Dance: As17840727


Mainpiece Title: Douglas

Afterpiece Title: The Genius of Nonsense

Role: Columbine Actor: Miss Morris

Song: As17840730


Mainpiece Title: The Noble Peasant

Role: Alice Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: A Mogul Tale

Role: Zapphira Actor: Miss Morris


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Role: Theodosia Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: Rosina

Song: End of mainpiece Edwin's favorite song in The Castle of Andalusia, A Master I have, by Master Sestini


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Role: Chambermaid Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: The Genius of Nonsense

Role: Columbine Actor: Miss Morris

Song: As17840730

Monologue: 1784 08 19 Preceding mainpiece A Looking Glass for the Times; or, The Charms of Money by Parsons in the Character of a distress'd Poet


Mainpiece Title: Lord Russel

Afterpiece Title: Hunt the Slipper

Role: Maria Actor: Miss Morris


Mainpiece Title: Lord Russel

Afterpiece Title: Hunt the Slipper

Role: Maria Actor: Miss Morris

Dance: As17840713


Mainpiece Title: Two To One

Afterpiece Title: Hunt the Slipper

Role: Maria Actor: Miss Morris


Mainpiece Title: The Manager In Distress

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Mat o' the Mint Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Dance: In Act III of 2nd piece Hornpipe by Byrne

Monologue: 1784 08 26 As 10 Aug


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: Hunt the Slipper

Role: Maria Actor: Miss Morris

Dance: End of mainpiece Recreation by Master Giorgi, Miss Byrne, &c


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Genius of Nonsense

Role: Columbine Actor: Miss Morris

Dance: As17840826


Mainpiece Title: The Noble Peasant

Role: Alice Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: Hunt the Slipper

Role: Maria Actor: Miss Morris


Mainpiece Title: The Young Quaker

Role: Araminta Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law


Mainpiece Title: The Two Connoisseurs

Afterpiece Title: The Genius of Nonsense

Role: Columbine Actor: Miss Morris


Mainpiece Title: The Noble Peasant

Role: Alice Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: Hunt the Slipper

Role: Maria Actor: Miss Morris


Mainpiece Title: The Young Quaker

Role: Araminta Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom


Mainpiece Title: The Noble Peasant

Role: Alice Actor: Miss Morris

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Dance: As17840713


Mainpiece Title: Richard Iii

Role: Richard Actor: T. Morris
Role: Lieutenant of the Tower Actor: A. Morris
Role: Prologue Actor: T. Morris

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen


Mainpiece Title: Fontainville Forest

Afterpiece Title: THE POOR SOLDIER


Mainpiece Title: Fontainville Forest

Afterpiece Title: COMUS

Song: As17931029


Mainpiece Title: Fontainville Forest

Afterpiece Title: HARTFORD BRIDGE

Dance: As17930916


Mainpiece Title: Fontainville Forest

Afterpiece Title: THE HIGHLAND REEL