04 June 1723

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1722-1723
Volume: 2
Comments: With an Addition of three new Songs, and an intire New Scene. N.B. The Directors of the Royal Academy of Musick resolve not to make use of their Tickets for the Liberty of the House for this Night

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p`?king's Otho; King of Germany. See 12 Jan. *c`?king's With an Addition of three new Songs, and an intire New Scene. N.B. The Directors of the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i> resolve not to make use of their Tickets for the Liberty of the House for this Night.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1723 06 04 king's Otho; King of Germany. ^See17230112^.*c1723 06 04 king's With an Addition of three new Songs, and an intire New Scene. N.B. The Directors of the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i> resolve not to make use of their Tickets for the Liberty of the House for this Night.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 9840 | 17230604 | king's | With an Addition of three new Songs, and an intire New Scene. N.B. The Directors of the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i> resolve not to make use of their Tickets for the Liberty of the House for this Night
    Performance: 16062 | 9840 | p | Otho; King Of Germany | See17230112.


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