22 March 1721

Event Information
Theatrical Season: 1720-1721
Volume: 2
Comments: Benefit of a Gentleman who has been reduced by the Fall of Stocks [apparently the actor who plays Castalio]. At the Great Green Gates in Cross-street, Hatton-Garden. At 6 p.m

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p]Vcg The Orphan. Castalio-him who perform'd the Part of Tamerlane [in <i>Southwark</i> on Monday 6 Feb%. *s]Vcg A Gentleman [who plays on the Harpsichord to his own Singing%. *c]Vcg Benefit of a Gentleman who has been reduced by the Fall of Stocks [apparently the actor who plays <i>Castalio</i>r]. At the <i>Great Green Gates</i> in <i>Cross-street</i>, <i>Hatton-Garden</i>. At 6 p.m.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1721 03 22 cg The Orphan. Castalio-him who perform'd the Part of Tamerlane in <i>Southwark</i> on Monday 6 Feb.*s1721 03 22 cg A Gentleman who plays on the Harpsichord to his own Singing.*c1721 03 22 cg Benefit of a Gentleman who has been reduced by the Fall of Stocks [apparently the actor who plays <i>Castalio</i>r]. At the <i>Great Green Gates</i> in <i>Cross-street</i>, <i>Hatton-Garden</i>. At 6 p.m.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 8671 | 17210322 | cg | Benefit of a Gentleman who has been reduced by the Fall of Stocks [apparently the actor who plays <i>Castalio</i>]. At the <i>Great Green Gates</i> in <i>Cross-street</i>, <i>Hatton-Garden</i>. At 6 p.m
    Performance: 14038 | 8671 | p | The Orphan | Castalio-him who perform'd the Part of Tamerlane in <i>Southwark</i> on Monday 6 Feb.
    18034 | 14038 | Castalio | him who perform'd the Part of Tamerlane in <i>Southwark</i> on Monday 6 Feb.
    Performance: 14039 | 8671 | s | A Gentleman who plays on the Harpsichord to his own Singing


Castalio-him who perform'd the Part of Tamerlane in Southwark on Monday 6 Feb.


Comment: A Gentleman who plays on the Harpsichord to his own Singing

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