12 March 1720

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1719-1720
Volume: 2
Comments: Admission as 10 March. N.B. The Noble and Honorable Subscribers to the French Comedians, are humbly intreated to pardon the Omission of sending them Tickets on Thursday last, it having proceeded merely from a Mistake, which shall be prevented for the future, and each one shall have a perpetual Ticket sent to him on Tuesday next

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p[?king's Harlequin in Constantinople. *d[?king's Dancing [After the <i>Italian Manner</i>% betwixt Pantaloon and his Wife-. *c[?king's Admission as 10 March. N.B. The Noble and Honorable Subscribers to the <i>French Comedians</i>, are humbly intreated to pardon the Omission of sending them Tickets on Thursday last, it having proceeded merely from a Mistake, which shall be prevented for the future, and each one shall have a perpetual Ticket sent to him on Tuesday next.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1720 03 12 king's Harlequin in Constantinople.*d1720 03 12 king's Dancing After the <i>Italian Manner</i> betwixt Pantaloon and his Wife-.*c1720 03 12 king's Admission as 10 March. N.B. The Noble and Honorable Subscribers to the <i>French Comedians</i>, are humbly intreated to pardon the Omission of sending them Tickets on Thursday last, it having proceeded merely from a Mistake, which shall be prevented for the future, and each one shall have a perpetual Ticket sent to him on Tuesday next.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 8134 | 17200312 | king's | Admission as 10 March. N.B. The Noble and Honorable Subscribers to the <i>French Comedians</i>, are humbly intreated to pardon the Omission of sending them Tickets on Thursday last, it having proceeded merely from a Mistake, which shall be prevented for the future, and each one shall have a perpetual Ticket sent to him on Tuesday next
    Performance: 13043 | 8134 | p | Harlequin In Constantinople
    Performance: 13044 | 8134 | d | Dancing After the <i>Italian Manner</i> betwixt Pantaloon and his Wife-


None Listed


Comment: Dancing After the Italian Manner betwixt Pantaloon and his Wife-

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