04 February 1720

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1719-1720
Volume: 2
Comments: Daily Post, 4 Feb.: There is upon the Road from Paris, thither, a Company of French Comedians, which, 'tis said, are to perform at the Theatre in the Hay-Market twice every Week the Remainder of this Season; and we hear that 1000l. is already subscribed towards their Encouragement

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p[?king's Comment. *c[?king's <i>Daily Post</i>, 4 Feb.: There is upon the Road from <i>Paris</i>, thither, a Company of <i>French Comedians</i>, which, 'tis said, are to perform at the Theatre in the <i>Hay-Market</i> twice every Week the Remainder of this Season; and we hear that 1000l. is already subscribed towards their Encouragement.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1720 02 04 king's Comment.*c1720 02 04 king's <i>Daily Post</i>, 4 Feb.: There is upon the Road from <i>Paris</i>, thither, a Company of <i>French Comedians</i>, which, 'tis said, are to perform at the Theatre in the <i>Hay-Market</i> twice every Week the Remainder of this Season; and we hear that 1000l. is already subscribed towards their Encouragement.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 8069 | 17200204 | king's | <i>Daily Post</i>, 4 Feb.: There is upon the Road from <i>Paris</i>, thither, a Company of <i>French Comedians</i>, which, 'tis said, are to perform at the Theatre in the <i>Hay-Market</i> twice every Week the Remainder of this Season; and we hear that 1000l. is already subscribed towards their Encouragement

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