21 March 1667

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1666-1667
Volume: 1
Comments: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: I alone out and to the Duke of York's play-house, where unexpectedly I come to see only the young men and women of the house act; they having liberty to act for their own profit on Wednesdays and Fridays this Lent; and the play they did yesterday, being Wednesday, was so well-taken, that they thought fit to venture it publickly to-day; a play of my Lord Falkland's called The Wedding Night, a kind of tragedy, and some things very good in it, but the whole together, I thought, not so. I confess I was well enough pleased with my seeing it: and the people did do better, without the great actors, than I did expect, but yet far short of what they do when they are there, which I was glad to find the difference of

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p Ulif The Marriage Night. [See 20 March.% young actors of the company. *c Ulif The <i>Duke's Company</i>. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: I alone out and to the Duke of York's play-house, where unexpectedly I come to see only the young men and women of the house act; they having liberty to act for their own profit on Wednesdays and Fridays this <i>Lent</i>; and the play they did yesterday, being Wednesday, was so well-taken, that they thought fit to venture it publickly to-day; a play of my $Lord Falkland='s called <i>The Wedding Night</i>, a kind of tragedy, and some things very good in it, but the whole together, I thought, not so. I confess I was well enough pleased with my seeing it: and the people did do better, without the great actors, than I did expect, but yet far short of what they do when they are there, which I was glad to find the difference of.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1667 03 21 lif The Marriage Night. ^See16670320^ young actors of the company.*c1667 03 21 lif The <i>Duke's Company</i>. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: I alone out and to the Duke of York's play-house, where unexpectedly I come to see only the young men and women of the house act; they having liberty to act for their own profit on Wednesdays and Fridays this <i>Lent</i>; and the play they did yesterday, being Wednesday, was so well-taken, that they thought fit to venture it publickly to-day; a play of my $Lord Falkland='s called <i>The Wedding Night</i>, a kind of tragedy, and some things very good in it, but the whole together, I thought, not so. I confess I was well enough pleased with my seeing it: and the people did do better, without the great actors, than I did expect, but yet far short of what they do when they are there, which I was glad to find the difference of.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 521 | 16670321 | lif | The <i>Duke's Company</i>. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: I alone out and to the Duke of York's play-house, where unexpectedly I come to see only the young men and women of the house act; they having liberty to act for their own profit on Wednesdays and Fridays this <i>Lent</i>; and the play they did yesterday, being Wednesday, was so well-taken, that they thought fit to venture it publickly to-day; a play of my $Lord Falkland='s called <i>The Wedding Night</i>, a kind of tragedy, and some things very good in it, but the whole together, I thought, not so. I confess I was well enough pleased with my seeing it: and the people did do better, without the great actors, than I did expect, but yet far short of what they do when they are there, which I was glad to find the difference of
    Performance: 521 | 521 | p | The Marriage Night | See16670320 young actors of the company.


See16670320 young actors of the company.
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