08 February 1797

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1796-1797
Volume: 5
Comments: Receipts: #191 2s. (119.13.6; 66.15.6; 4.13.0)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p dl Tamerlane. As 6 Feb., but Axalla-C. Kemble; Dervise-Packer.*aThe Follies of a Day. As 2 Feb., but Agnes-Miss Wentworth. *cReceipts: #1912s. (119.13.6; 66.15.6; 4.13.0).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1797 02 08 dl Tamerlane. ^As17970206^, but Axalla-C. Kemble; Dervise-Packer.*a1797 02 08 dl The Follies of a Day. ^As17970202^, but Agnes-Miss Wentworth.*c1797 02 08 dl Receipts: #191 2s. (119.13.6; 66.15.6; 4.13.0).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 50575 | 17970208 | dl | Receipts: #191 2s. (119.13.6; 66.15.6; 4.13.0)
    Performance: 112089 | 50575 | p | Tamerlane | As17970206, but Axalla-C. Kemble; Dervise-Packer.
    AsSeeDate: 112089 | dl | p | As | 17970206
    205260 | 112089 | Axalla | C. Kemble
    205261 | 112089 | Dervise | Packer.
    750297 | 112089 | Page | Master Welsh.
    750298 | 112089 | Bajazet | Kemble
    750299 | 112089 | Tamerlane | Palmer
    750300 | 112089 | Moneses | Barrymore
    750301 | 112089 | Stratocles | Trueman
    750302 | 112089 | Prince of Tanais | Holland
    750303 | 112089 | Omar | Caulfield
    750304 | 112089 | Mirvan | Wentworth
    750305 | 112089 | Zama | Cooke
    750306 | 112089 | Haly | Maddocks
    750307 | 112089 | Arpasia | Mrs Siddons
    750308 | 112089 | Selima | Mrs Powell.
    Performance: 112090 | 50575 | a | The Follies of a Day | As17970202, but Agnes-Miss Wentworth.
    AsSeeDate: 112090 | dl | a | As | 17970202
    205262 | 112090 | Agnes | Miss Wentworth.
    750309 | 112090 | Count Almaviva | Palmer
    750310 | 112090 | Figaro | R. Palmer
    750311 | 112090 | Antonio | Wewitzer
    750312 | 112090 | Bazil | Maddocks
    750313 | 112090 | Page | Miss DeCamp
    750314 | 112090 | Countess | Mrs Goodall
    750315 | 112090 | Susan | Miss Farren.


As17970206, but Axalla-C. Kemble; Dervise-Packer.


As17970202, but Agnes-Miss Wentworth.

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