09 May 1791

Event Information
Theatre: Pantheon, Oxford Street
Theatrical Season: 1790-1791
Volume: 5
Comments: Benefit for Mme Theodore D'Auberval. Tickets to be had of Mme Theodore D'Auberval, No. 52, Poland-street, Oxford-road. 2nd ballet: With new Decorations painted by Munich [recte Moench], late painter to the Theatre in the Haymarket, and new Machinery by Bernard. The Dresses entirely new, invented and executed by Lupino

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p pan La Bella Pescatrice. As 28 Apr. *dEnd I: <i>La Fille Mal Gardee</i>, as 30Apr.; End Opera: [a new Pantomime Ballet in 3 acts (composed by $D'Auberval=)% <i>Le Siege de Cythere</i>-Didelot, D'Egville, Vigano, Fialon, Mlle Leonore Simonet, Mlle Troche, Mlle Deligny, Mme Vigano, Mme D'Auberval. [For assignment of partssee 17 May.] *cBenefit for Mme Theodore D'Auberval. Tickets to be had of $MmeTheodore D'Auberval=, No. 52, <i>Poland-street</i>, <i>Oxford-road</i>. 2nd ballet: Withnew Decorations painted by $Munich= [recte $Moench=], late painter to the Theatre in the <i>Haymarket</i>, and new Machinery by $Bernard=. The Dresses entirely new, invented and executed by $Lupino=.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1791 05 09 pan La Bella Pescatrice. ^As17910428^.*d1791 05 09 pan End I: <i>La Fille Mal Gardee</i>, ^as17910430^; End Opera: a new Pantomime Ballet in 3 acts (composed by $D'Auberval=) <i>Le Siege de Cythere</i>-Didelot, D'Egville, Vigano, Fialon, Mlle Leonore Simonet, Mlle Troche, Mlle Deligny, Mme Vigano, Mme D'Auberval. [For assignment of parts ^see17910517^.]*c1791 05 09 pan Benefit for Mme Theodore D'Auberval. Tickets to be had of $Mme Theodore D'Auberval=, No. 52, <i>Poland-street</i>, <i>Oxford-road</i>. 2nd ballet: With new Decorations painted by $Munich= [recte $Moench=], late painter to the Theatre in the <i>Haymarket</i>, and new Machinery by $Bernard=. The Dresses entirely new, invented and executed by $Lupino=.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 47236 | 17910509 | pan | Benefit for Mme Theodore D'Auberval. Tickets to be had of $Mme Theodore D'Auberval=, No. 52, <i>Poland-street</i>, <i>Oxford-road</i>. 2nd ballet: With new Decorations painted by $Munich= [recte $Moench=], late painter to the Theatre in the <i>Haymarket</i>, and new Machinery by $Bernard=. The Dresses entirely new, invented and executed by $Lupino=
    Performance: 103462 | 47236 | p | La Bella Pescatrice | As17910428.
    AsSeeDate: 103462 | pan | p | As | 17910428
    Performance: 103463 | 47236 | d | End I: <i>La Fille Mal Gardee</i>, as17910430; End Opera: a new Pantomime Ballet in 3 acts (composed by $D'Auberval=) <i>Le Siege de Cythere</i>-Didelot, D'Egville, Vigano, Fialon, Mlle Leonore Simonet, Mlle Troche, Mlle Deligny, Mme Vigano, Mme D'Auberval | [For assignment of parts see17910517.]
    AsSeeDate: 103463 | pan | d | As | 17910430


None Listed


Comment: End I: La Fille Mal Gardee, as17910430; End Opera: a new Pantomime Ballet in 3 acts (composed by D'Auberval) Le Siege de Cythere-Didelot, D'Egville, Vigano, Fialon, Mlle Leonore Simonet, Mlle Troche, Mlle Deligny, Mme Vigano, Mme D'Auberval. [For assignment of parts see17910517.

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