17 July 1666

Event Information
Theatre: no theater listed
Theatrical Season: 1665-1666
Volume: 1
Comments: Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery, to Edward, Viscount Conway, 17 July 1666: If we meet at London you will see a Play Acted, wh I writt by ye King s Command; I call it, Edward ye Black Prince; And if ever I writt anythinge fit for ye Theatre this Play is it (Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, 1666-1669, p. 158; in The Dramatic Works of Roger Boyle, 1, 43)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p Qnone Comment. *c Qnone $Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery=, to $Edward, Viscount Conway=, 17 July 1666: If we meet at <i>London</i> you will see a Play Acted, wh I writt by ye $King= s Command; I call it, <i>Edward ye Black Prince</i>; And if ever I writt anythinge fit for ye Theatre this Play is it (<i>Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, 1666-1669</i>, p. 158; in <i>The Dramatic Works of Roger Boyle</i>, 1, 43).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1666 07 17 none Comment.*c1666 07 17 none $Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery=, to $Edward, Viscount Conway=, 17 July 1666: If we meet at <i>London</i> you will see a Play Acted, wh I writt by ye $King= s Command; I call it, <i>Edward ye Black Prince</i>; And if ever I writt anythinge fit for ye Theatre this Play is it (<i>Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, 1666-1669</i>, p. 158; in <i>The Dramatic Works of Roger Boyle</i>, 1, 43).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 461 | 16660717 | none | $Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery=, to $Edward, Viscount Conway=, 17 July 1666: If we meet at <i>London</i> you will see a Play Acted, wh I writt by ye $King= s Command; I call it, <i>Edward ye Black Prince</i>; And if ever I writt anythinge fit for ye Theatre this Play is it (<i>Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, 1666-1669</i>, p. 158; in <i>The Dramatic Works of Roger Boyle</i>, 1, 43)

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