10 February 1789

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1788-1789
Volume: 5
Comments: Mr Gallini Respectfully informs the Nobility, Subscribers, and Gentry that he sent a person to Paris on Monday last to engage the best capital Female Dancer that can be got; and if a good Man Dancer is to be procured, he is very ready to engage him, as he shall be happy to do every thing in his power to please the public and will spare no pains or expense for that purpose [see 7 Feb.] Didelot having had the misfortune to hurt his leg the first dance on Saturday last is unable to appear for some days

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p king's La Cosa Rara. As 10 Jan. *dEnd I: <i>NewDivertissement</i>, as 10 Jan., but _Didelot; End Opera: <i>Les Fetes Provencales</i>, as 7 Feb., but _Didelot, Mlle _Normand. *c$Mr Gallini= Respectfully informs theNobility, Subscribers, and Gentry that he sent a person to <i>Paris</i> on Monday last to engage the best capital Female Dancer that can be got; and if a good Man Dancer is to be procured, he is very ready to engage him, as he shall be happy todo every thing in his power to please the public and will spare no pains or expense for that purpose [see 7 Feb.] $Didelot= having had the misfortune to hurt his leg the first dance on Saturday last is unable to appear for some days.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1789 02 10 king's La Cosa Rara. ^As17890110^.*d1789 02 10 king's End I: <i>New Divertissement</i>, ^as17890110^, but _Didelot; End Opera: <i>Les Fetes Provencales</i>, ^as17890207^, but _Didelot, Mlle _Normand.*c1789 02 10 king's $Mr Gallini= Respectfully informs the Nobility, Subscribers, and Gentry that he sent a person to <i>Paris</i> on Monday last to engage the best capital Female Dancer that can be got; and if a good Man Dancer is to be procured, he is very ready to engage him, as he shall be happy to do every thing in his power to please the public and will spare no pains or expense for that purpose [see 7 Feb.] $Didelot= having had the misfortune to hurt his leg the first dance on Saturday last is unable to appear for some days.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 45926 | 17890210 | king's | $Mr Gallini= Respectfully informs the Nobility, Subscribers, and Gentry that he sent a person to <i>Paris</i> on Monday last to engage the best capital Female Dancer that can be got; and if a good Man Dancer is to be procured, he is very ready to engage him, as he shall be happy to do every thing in his power to please the public and will spare no pains or expense for that purpose [see 7 Feb.] $Didelot= having had the misfortune to hurt his leg the first dance on Saturday last is unable to appear for some days
    Performance: 99929 | 45926 | p | La Cosa Rara | As17890110.
    AsSeeDate: 99929 | king's | p | As | 17890110
    627518 | 99929 | Lubino | Borselli
    627519 | 99929 | Prince of Spain | Giuseppe Forlivesi
    627520 | 99929 | Corrado | Fineschi
    627521 | 99929 | Lisargo | Delicati
    627522 | 99929 | Tita | Paolo Torregiani
    627523 | 99929 | Queen of Spain | Sga Clementina Graziani
    627524 | 99929 | Ghita | Sga Elisabetta Borselli
    627525 | 99929 | Lilla | Sga Margherita Delicati.
    Performance: 99930 | 45926 | d | End I: <i>New Divertissement</i>, as17890110, but _Didelot; End Opera: <i>Les Fetes Provencales</i>, as17890207, but _Didelot, Mlle _Normand
    AsSeeDate: 99930 | king's | d | As | 17890110




Comment: End I: New Divertissement, as17890110, but _Didelot; End Opera: Les Fetes Provencales, as17890207, but _Didelot, Mlle _Normand

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