10 December 1787

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1787-1788
Volume: 5
Comments: Mainpiece: Not acted these 8 years. Receipts: #198 3s. 6d. (190.15.0; 7.8.6)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p cg The Inconstant; or, The Way to Win Him. Young Mirable-Pope; Old Mirable-Quick (Their 1st appearance in those characters); Dugard-Macready; Petit-Brown; Bravoes-Cubitt, Thompson, Gardner, Stevens; Duretete-Ryder; Oriana-Mrs Bernard; Lamorce-Mrs Platt; Bissarre-Mrs Abington (1st appearance in that character). *aThe Farmer. As 7 Nov. *cMainpiece: Not acted these 8 years. Receipts: #198 3s. 6d. (190.15.0; 7.8.6).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1787 12 10 cg The Inconstant; or, The Way to Win Him. Young Mirable-Pope; Old Mirable-Quick (Their 1st appearance in those characters); Dugard-Macready; Petit-Brown; Bravoes-Cubitt, Thompson, Gardner, Stevens; Duretete-Ryder; Oriana-Mrs Bernard; Lamorce-Mrs Platt; Bissarre-Mrs Abington (1st appearance in that character).*a1787 12 10 cg The Farmer. ^As17871107^.*c1787 12 10 cg Mainpiece: Not acted these 8 years. Receipts: #198 3s. 6d. (190.15.0; 7.8.6).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 45255 | 17871210 | cg | Mainpiece: Not acted these 8 years. Receipts: #198 3s. 6d. (190.15.0; 7.8.6)
    Performance: 98201 | 45255 | p | The Inconstant; Or, The Way To Win Him | Young Mirable-Pope; Old Mirable-Quick (Their 1st appearance in those characters); Dugard-Macready; Petit-Brown; Bravoes-Cubitt, Thompson, Gardner, Stevens; Duretete-Ryder; Oriana-Mrs Bernard; Lamorce-Mrs Platt; Bissarre-Mrs Abington (1st appearance in that character).
    172316 | 98201 | Young Mirable | Pope
    172317 | 98201 | Old Mirable | Quick
    172318 | 98201 | Dugard | Macready
    172319 | 98201 | Petit | Brown
    172320 | 98201 | Bravoes | Cubitt, Thompson, Gardner, Stevens
    172321 | 98201 | Duretete | Ryder
    172322 | 98201 | Oriana | Mrs Bernard
    172323 | 98201 | Lamorce | Mrs Platt
    172324 | 98201 | Bissarre | Mrs Abington
    Performance: 98202 | 45255 | a | The Farmer | As17871107.
    AsSeeDate: 98202 | cg | a | As | 17871107
    616159 | 98202 | Louisa | Mrs Mountain in place of $Miss Rowson=.
    616160 | 98202 | Principal Characters | Edwin, Johnstone, Blanchard, Fearon, Thompson, Darley, Booth, Mrs Martyr, Miss Rowson, Mrs Platt, Mrs Mattocks.
    616161 | 98202 | Jemmy Jumps | Edwin
    616162 | 98202 | Valentine | Johnstone
    616163 | 98202 | Rundy | Blanchard
    616164 | 98202 | Colonel Dormont | Fearon
    616165 | 98202 | Farmer Stubble | Thompson
    616166 | 98202 | Farmer Blackberry | Darley
    616167 | 98202 | Fairly | Booth
    616168 | 98202 | Counsellor Flummery | Rock
    616169 | 98202 | Landlord | Ledger
    616170 | 98202 | Molly Maybush | Mrs Martyr
    616171 | 98202 | Landlady | Mrs Platt
    616172 | 98202 | Betty Blackberry | Mrs Mattocks.


Young Mirable-Pope; Old Mirable-Quick (Their 1st appearance in those characters); Dugard-Macready; Petit-Brown; Bravoes-Cubitt, Thompson, Gardner, Stevens; Duretete-Ryder; Oriana-Mrs Bernard; Lamorce-Mrs Platt; Bissarre-Mrs Abington (1st appearance in that character).



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