20 May 1783

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1782-1783
Volume: 5
Comments: Creditors of Mr Taylor are requested to meet the Trustees this Day, at One o'clock, at the Bedford Arms, Covent Garden. The Proprietor having, upon a certain Ground, granted the use of the House for the Benefit of the Performers, during the Remainder of the Season, there will be an Opera on Thursday next. [It was cancelled.] Several Persons of Fashion having generously raised a new Subscription for the Relief of the Performers, they take this opportunity of returning them their most cordial thanks. The Price of the new Subscription is Five Guineas each Subscriber, for 12 Benefit Nights, the Money to be paid into the hands of Mr Drummond, Banker, at Charing-Cross. [On 27 May a concert was held at the Pantheon for the benefit of the singers and dancers who had lately belonged to the King's Theatre, in which they all participated.]

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  • Original Data

    Source: OCR from HathiTrust PDFs

    *c1783 05 20 King's The Creditors of Mr Taylor are requested to meet the Trustees this Day, at One o'clock, at the Bedford Arms, Covent Garden. The Proprietor having, upon a certain Ground, granted the use of the House for the Benefit of the Performers, during the Remainder of the Season, there will be an Opera on Thursday next. [It was cancelled.] Several Persons of Fashion having generously raised a new Subscription for the Relief of the Performers, they take this opportunity of returning them their most cordial thanks. The Price of the new Subscription is Five Guineas each Subscriber, for 12 Benefit Nights, the Money to be paid into the hands of Mr Drummond, Banker, at Charing-Cross. [On 27 May a concert was held at the Pantheon for the benefit of the singers and dancers who had lately belonged to the King's Theatre, in which they all participated.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1783 05 20 King's . hathi.*c1783 05 20 King's .hathi.*c1783 05 20 King's Creditors of Mr Taylor are requested to meet the Trustees this Day, at One o'clock, at the Bedford Arms, Covent Garden. The Proprietor having, upon a certain Ground, granted the use of the House for the Benefit of the Performers, during the Remainder of the Season, there will be an Opera on Thursday next. [It was cancelled.] Several Persons of Fashion having generously raised a new Subscription for the Relief of the Performers, they take this opportunity of returning them their most cordial thanks. The Price of the new Subscription is Five Guineas each Subscriber, for 12 Benefit Nights, the Money to be paid into the hands of Mr Drummond, Banker, at Charing-Cross. [On 27 May a concert was held at the Pantheon for the benefit of the singers and dancers who had lately belonged to the King's Theatre, in which they all participated.] hathi.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 42729 | 17830520 | King's | hathi | Creditors of Mr Taylor are requested to meet the Trustees this Day, at One o'clock, at the Bedford Arms, Covent Garden. The Proprietor having, upon a certain Ground, granted the use of the House for the Benefit of the Performers, during the Remainder of the Season, there will be an Opera on Thursday next. [It was cancelled.] Several Persons of Fashion having generously raised a new Subscription for the Relief of the Performers, they take this opportunity of returning them their most cordial thanks. The Price of the new Subscription is Five Guineas each Subscriber, for 12 Benefit Nights, the Money to be paid into the hands of Mr Drummond, Banker, at Charing-Cross. [On 27 May a concert was held at the Pantheon for the benefit of the singers and dancers who had lately belonged to the King's Theatre, in which they all participated.]
    Performance: 91777 | 42729 | p | hathi.


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