08 January 1782

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1781-1782
Volume: 5
Comments: "I have been once to the Opera to hear the Allegranti, whom I like, and who is almost as much in fashion as Vestris the dancer was last year: the applause to her is rather greater. Pacchierotti is much admired too, and thedancers are a capital set" (Walpole [7 Feb. 1782], xii, 156)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: OCR from HathiTrust PDFs

    *p1782 01 08 King's I Viaggiatori Felici. As 11 Dec. 1781. DANCING. As 1 Jan. throughout. comment. "I have been once to the Opera to hear the Allegranti, whom I like, and who is almost as much in fashion as Vestris the dancer was last year: the applause to her is rather greater. Pacchierotti is much admired too, and thedancers are a capital set" (Walpole [7 Feb. 1782], xii, 156).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1782 01 08 King's I Viaggiatori Felici. ^As17811211^ .hathi.*d1782 01 08 King's ^As17820101^ throughout .hathi.*c1782 01 08 King's "I have been once to the Opera to hear the Allegranti, whom I like, and who is almost as much in fashion as Vestris the dancer was last year: the applause to her is rather greater. Pacchierotti is much admired too, and thedancers are a capital set" (Walpole [7 Feb. 1782], xii, 156) .hathi.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 41878 | 17820108 | King's | hathi | "I have been once to the Opera to hear the Allegranti, whom I like, and who is almost as much in fashion as Vestris the dancer was last year: the applause to her is rather greater. Pacchierotti is much admired too, and thedancers are a capital set" (Walpole [7 Feb. 1782], xii, 156)
    Performance: 89599 | 41878 | p | I Viaggiatori Felici | As17811211 .
    AsSeeDate: 89599 | King's | p | As | 17811211
    566480 | 89599 | : Giannetto | Viganoni
    566481 | 89599 | Patterio | Morigi
    566482 | 89599 | Don Gastone | Manzoletto
    566483 | 89599 | Pasquino | Micheli
    566484 | 89599 | Isabella | Sga Lorenzini
    566485 | 89599 | Lauretta | Sga Salpietro
    566486 | 89599 | Bettina | Sga Allegranti.
    Performance: 89600 | 41878 | d | As17820101 throughout | hathi.
    AsSeeDate: 89600 | King's | d | As | 17820101
    566487 | 89600 | ; End of Opera a new Tragi | Pantomime Ballet
    566488 | 89600 | Alphonso | Gardel
    566489 | 89600 | Ines | Mlle Baccelli
    566490 | 89600 | Chief of the Island | Slingsby.


As17811211 .


Comment: As17820101 throughout

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