16 December 1780

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1780-1781
Volume: 5
Comments: [This was Vestris Jun.'s 1st appearance in England.] "Young Vestris astonished John Bull more by his agility than his grace, and some have been known to count the number of times he turned round like a tee-totum. This may be called les tours des jambes-not dancing' (Angelo, II, 320). "The theatre was brimful in expectation of Vestris. At the end of the second act he appeared; but with so much grace, agility, and strength, that the whole audience fell into convulsions of applause: the men thundered; the ladies, forgetting their delicacy and weakness, clapped with such vehemence, that seventeen broke their arms, sixty-nine sprained their wrists, and three cried bravo! bravissimo! so rashly, that they have not been able to utter so much as 'no' since, any more than both Houses of Parliament' (Walpole [17 Dec. 1780], XI, 340-41)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p king's Ricimero. As 2 Dec. *dEnd I: <i>The Fortunate Escape</i>, as 25 Nov., but Mme _Simonet, <i>Henry; End II: +Grand Serious Ballet</i> (composed by $Simonet=)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Sga Crespi, Mlle Baccelli; to conclude with: <i>Grand Chaconne</i>-Vestris? Jun.; End III [new ballet,% <i>Les Amans Surpris</i> (composed by $Simonet=)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Mlle Baccelli, Vestris? Jun. *c[This was $Vestris Jun.='s 1st appearance in<i>England</i>.] "Young Vestris astonished $John Bull= more by his agility than hisgrace, and some have been known to count the number of times he turned round like a tee-totum. This may be called les tours des jambes-not dancing' ($Angelo=,II, 320). "The theatre was brimful in expectation of Vestris. At the end of the second act he appeared; but with so much grace, agility, and strength, that the whole audience fell into convulsions of applause: the men thundered; the ladies, forgetting their delicacy and weakness, clapped with such vehemence, that seventeen broke their arms, sixty-nine sprained their wrists, and three cried bravo! bravissimo! so rashly, that they have not been able to utter so much as 'no' since, any more than both Houses of <i>Parliament</i>' ($Walpole= [17 Dec. 1780], XI, 340-41).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1780 12 16 king's Ricimero. ^As17801202^.*d1780 12 16 king's End I: <i>The Fortunate Escape</i>, ^as17801125^, but Mme _Simonet, <i>Henry; End II: +Grand Serious Ballet</i> (composed by $Simonet=)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Sga Crespi, Mlle Baccelli; to conclude with: <i>Grand Chaconne</i>-Vestris? Jun.; End III new ballet, <i>Les Amans Surpris</i> (composed by $Simonet=)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Mlle Baccelli, Vestris? Jun.*c1780 12 16 king's [This was $Vestris Jun.='s 1st appearance in <i>England</i>.] "Young Vestris astonished $John Bull= more by his agility than his grace, and some have been known to count the number of times he turned round like a tee-totum. This may be called les tours des jambes-not dancing' ($Angelo=, II, 320). "The theatre was brimful in expectation of Vestris. At the end of the second act he appeared; but with so much grace, agility, and strength, that the whole audience fell into convulsions of applause: the men thundered; the ladies, forgetting their delicacy and weakness, clapped with such vehemence, that seventeen broke their arms, sixty-nine sprained their wrists, and three cried bravo! bravissimo! so rashly, that they have not been able to utter so much as 'no' since, any more than both Houses of <i>Parliament</i>' ($Walpole= [17 Dec. 1780], XI, 340-41).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 41262 | 17801216 | king's | [This was $Vestris Jun.='s 1st appearance in <i>England</i>.] "Young Vestris astonished $John Bull= more by his agility than his grace, and some have been known to count the number of times he turned round like a tee-totum. This may be called les tours des jambes-not dancing' ($Angelo=, II, 320). "The theatre was brimful in expectation of Vestris. At the end of the second act he appeared; but with so much grace, agility, and strength, that the whole audience fell into convulsions of applause: the men thundered; the ladies, forgetting their delicacy and weakness, clapped with such vehemence, that seventeen broke their arms, sixty-nine sprained their wrists, and three cried bravo! bravissimo! so rashly, that they have not been able to utter so much as 'no' since, any more than both Houses of <i>Parliament</i>' ($Walpole= [17 Dec. 1780], XI, 340-41)
    Performance: 87983 | 41262 | p | Ricimero | As17801202.
    AsSeeDate: 87983 | king's | p | As | 17801202
    554591 | 87983 | assigns Vitige | Roncaglia
    554592 | 87983 | Rodoaldo | Ansani.
    Performance: 87984 | 41262 | d | End I: <i>The Fortunate Escape</i>, as17801125, but Mme _Simonet, <i>Henry; End II: +Grand Serious Ballet</i> (composed by $Simonet=)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Sga Crespi, Mlle Baccelli; to conclude with: <i>Grand Chaconne</i>-Vestris | Jun.; End III new ballet, <i>Les Amans Surpris</i> (composed by $Simonet=)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Mlle Baccelli, Vestris? Jun.
    AsSeeDate: 87984 | king's | d | As | 17801125
    152123 | 87984 | <i>Les Amans Surpris</i> | Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Mlle Baccelli, Vestris? Jun.




Comment: End I: The Fortunate Escape, as17801125, but Mme _Simonet, Henry; End II: +Grand Serious Ballet (composed by Simonet)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Sga Crespi, Mlle Baccelli; to conclude with: Grand Chaconne-Vestris? Jun.; End III new ballet, Les Amans Surpris (composed by Simonet)-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Mlle Baccelli, Vestris? Jun

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